Chapter 15

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Katniss P.O.V.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Willow squeals as she comes skipping into mine and Peeta's room. I groan and slowly open my eyes.

"What?" I ask her sleepily. She comes over to stand beside of me and starts giggling. "What are you doing, silly?"

"Guess what today is," she says excitedly.

"Hmm. Is it Tuesday?" I ask her, trying to make her think that I have no clue.

"No, Mommy," she sighs. "Think really super hard."

I laugh a little bit. "Well, is it Friday?"

She rolls her eyes. "No, Mommy. You really not rem'ber?"

"No," I say as I shake my head. Willow sighs and puts her hands on her hips.

"It's a birthday," she says. I gasp dramatically and slap my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"Oh no!" I say. "It's Daddy's birthday! I completely forgot!"

Willow just stares at me and shakes her head. "Mommy, are you getting old?"

I laugh at her. "Why do you ask that, Willow?"

"'Cause you are forgetting everything," she says. Peeta makes a noise like he's choking back a laugh and I turn to look at him.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" I ask him.

"Yeah," Peeta replies with a yawn. I shake my head at him.

"Do you know what today is?" I ask him.

"Huh-uh," Peeta says sincerely. "Is it Saturday?" Willow rolls her eyes.

"Daddy!" Willow says as she throws her arms up in the air. Peeta and I laugh.

"Of course we know what today is, baby girl," I tell her. "Happy birthday." She giggles and I give her a big hug.

"I thought it was Mommy's birthday," Peeta tells her.

Willow sighs and rolls her eyes. "Daddy, you need to go back to sleep." Peeta chuckles and leans over to kiss the top of Willow's head.

"Do I gots to go to stool today?" she asks sweetly as she looks at me.

"You've got to ask Daddy," I tell her. She looks over at Peeta and he laughs.

"How can I say no to the birthday girl?" Willow giggles and smiles real wide. "Are you ready to go open your present?" Peeta asks her.

Her eyes widen. "Do I get cake too?" Peeta chuckles.

"Of course our princess gets cake," Peeta tells her.

"Daddy, will you carry me downstairs?" Willow asks.

I look over at Peeta and shake my head. "Now she really is starting to act like a princess," I tell him. He chuckles and looks at Willow.

"Yes, I'll carry you," he tells her.

"You two go on downstairs and I'll go get Rye," I say as I stand up. I go into the nursery to find Rye wide awake, but surprisingly content. "Well, good morning, little man," I say as I pick Rye up out of his crib. I lay him on the changing table and quickly get him into a dry diaper.

"Are you ready to go celebrate your sister's birthday?" I ask Rye as I carry him downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Willow fidgeting around in her seat. When I see the cake in front of her, I raise an eyebrow at Peeta.

"What?" he asks as I sit down at the table with Rye.

"You're going to let her have cake before breakfast?" I ask him.

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