Chapter 31

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Peeta P.O.V.

I run a hand through my hair and walk back over to Willow's bedroom to check on her. She cried herself to sleep not long after Katniss left, and it broke my heart listening to her sobs.

Willow kept begging me to bring Katniss back home, and I promised her I would. But I'm going to give Katniss time to return on her own.

I know she's in the woods. I called Ellen and Haymitch just to be sure that she hasn't went to either of them, but they've both assured me that they haven't seen her.

Once I make sure Willow is okay, I begin to walk out of her room. But that soft, sweet voice of her's stops me.


I turn around to face Willow, and she sits up on her bed.

"What's the matter, Willow?"

"Is Mommy back yet?"

I sigh and shake my head. "Not yet, Willow."

"Oh," Willow says sadly. "Momma's okay, though?"

"Yeah, baby," I tell her, hoping that it's true. "She just needs to be alone for a while."


"She's just having a bad day, Willow," I say. "Go back to sleep, okay?"

"I can't," she whines. I take a deep breath and walk over to Willow's bed.

"Don't worry about Mommy. I know that's hard to do, but Mommy's okay."

"Does Mommy still love us?"

"Yes she does, Willow," I say quickly. "She'll always love us. Don't ever doubt that."

"Why did her go away?" Willow asks as she begins to cry.

"I think she just didn't want you to see her upset," I tell Willow. "If Mommy doesn't come home in a few minutes, I'll go find her. Okay?"

Willow swallows hard and nods her head. I know this seems a lot worse to her than it really is. There's no telling what's running through her mind right now.

I start to step away, but Willow cries out and grabs my hand.

"No, Daddy! Don't leave!" Willow says desperately. I bend down beside Willow's bed and wrap my arms around her.

"I'm not leaving, Willow. I just have to check on your brother."

"No, Daddy! Please hold me!" Willow wraps her arms tight around my neck, and I stand up with her.

"Shh. Willow, calm down, please," I tell her. I carry her over to the nursery so I can check on Rye. "Look," I say softly. "Look at your brother sleeping. That's what you need to be doing instead of worrying about Mommy. Can you do that?"

"Yeah," Willow says softly.

"Will you be okay if I call Grandpa to come watch you and Rye so I can go find Mommy?"

"Yeah," Willow says as she nods her head.

"Okay. Let's get you back in bed, first."

After I asked Haymitch to watch the kids for me, I ran to the woods to search for Katniss. It started raining not long after I left, and now it's getting dark. I'm getting more nervous by the second.

I cup my hands around my mouth and yell her name every few minutes. My heart sinks every time I don't get a response.

It starts raining so hard that I have to squint to be able to see. But I'm not letting that stop me. I have to find Katniss.

"Katniss!" Still no answer. I stop when I get to a slope, almost not seeing it.

I stop to catch my breath. My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest, but not because I'm running. It's my nerves.

I just know something's not right. I can feel it.

I swallow hard and look around, making sure she's not around here anywhere. I get ready to walk away, but something I see out of the corner of my eye catches my attention.

I look down at the bottom of the steep slope, and I immediately feel sick to my stomach.

"KATNISS!" I take off running down the hill, trying not to trip over anything. I drop to my knees beside of her, and immediately feel her wrist to check her pulse. It's weak, but it's there.

"Katniss! Kat, baby, can you hear me?" I'm shaking like crazy, and I can't see well because of the rain. I look around and see some rocks protruding from the hill, creating a small alcove that's sheltered from the rain. I carefully pick Katniss up and carry her over to the rocks, laying her back down on the dry ground.

Her arms and legs are all bruised and scratched up. There's a gash and a big, bruised knot on her head. Not to mention the fact that she's soaking wet from the rain, and her skin is ice cold.

"Katniss," I say quietly as I brush her hair out of her face. I take her left hand between both of mine, trying to rub some warmth back into it. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Kat."

But she just lays there.

I carefully raise Katniss's head up and onto my lap. I try keeping her head elevated, and I keep my hand by her mouth so I can be sure she's still breathing.

I really don't want to try carrying Katniss back home while it's still raining. So all I can do is keep her comfortable and do what I can to make sure she's alive.

"Just please let me know that you're okay, and that you can hear me," I plead. Katniss's eyes slowly open, and I smile at her.

"Hey. You're okay. I'm right here, Katniss."

Just as quickly as her eyes opened, they begin to close again.

"No. No. Don't you dare close your eyes on me! Katniss, look at me! Please!"

It's no use. Katniss has already closed her eyes again, and she's gone limp.

I hold her close to me, and pray that the rain lets up in a few minutes.

I feel like crying, but I don't have time to cry or panic. I have to stay calm and keep Katniss safe.

"Katniss, can you open your eyes for me again?" I ask desperately. Of couse, she doesn't move. I take a deep breath and decide to give up and just wait it out. There's nothing else I can do for now.

But if the storm doesn't let up soon, I'll just have to risk it, and carry Katniss back home in this downpour, because I don't know how much longer she can hold on.
I need to ask y'all about the ending of this book. There will probably be just a few more chapters if I continue it the way I am now.

So should I finish it, keep writing, or do a sixth book? Let me know please!

EverlastingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora