Chapter 22

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I heard this adorable story the other day, and I was like "that would be a good idea for me to use with Willow" because I could totally see it as something she would do. So thanks to the stranger who inspired the next couple of chapters. 😂

Peeta P.O.V.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Willow complains from the back seat. I laugh at her.

"Willow, I just picked you up from school," I tell her. "Didn't Mommy pack you a lunch this morning?"


"Well, didn't you eat your lunch?" I ask her.

"Just my cookie."

"Well, that's why you're hungry, Willow." She doesn't say anything else on the ride back home. When I get Willow out of her car seat, she takes off running towards the house. I grab Willow's backpack out of the back seat before walking on inside.

I'm met with a loud, angry cry. But I can also make out softer, quieter sobs that can only be coming from Katniss.

My heart starts racing as I throw Willow's backpack down on the floor. I quickly peek into the kitchen to see Willow looking for a snack before I rush upstairs. I go into the nursery to see Katniss pacing the room with Rye in her arms.

"Kat, honey, what's wrong?" I asks worriedly as I walk over to her. She looks up at me with tears flowing down her face.

"He's been crying all day," Katniss says. "He acts like his stomach is bothering him, but he's spit up twice in just the last little bit and I've given him some medicine, but he doesn't act like anything is helping." I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because I thought I could get him calmed down, and by the time I realized that nothing was going to work, I knew you'd be busy." Katniss lets out another short sob. "I don't know what to do, Peeta!"

I kiss her temple. "The first thing you're going to do, is take a deep breath," I tell her. "The next thing you're going to do, is hand me the baby." Katniss shakily passes Rye to me, and I cradle him closely. He's screaming to the top of his lungs with his little hands clenched into fists.

"I tried calling Mom while ago, but she wouldn't answer," Katniss says. "Should I call her again?"

"Yeah. Go ahead," I tell her. Katniss slowly nods her head before walking off to call Ellen. I gently bounce Rye in my arms and gently talk to him.

"You're okay, little guy," I say softly. "Is your tummy hurting?" In a few minutes, Katniss walks back into the room.

"I'm going to take him over to Mom's," Katniss says as she takes Rye from me.

"Are you sure you can drive?" I ask her.

"Yeah," Katniss replies. "I'm okay now." I nod and give her a quick kiss. "Willow's downstairs doing her homework, so she'll be busy for a while."

"Okay," I reply. I kiss Rye's head before Katniss leaves with him. I go downstairs to see Willow sitting at the kitchen table.

"You need help?" I ask her. She shakes her head. I see Willow's lunchbox sitting on the table, so I decide to empty it out. I open it, but stop when I find that it's empty.

"Willow, I thought you said you only ate your cookie."

"I did," Willow replies, not looking at me.

"Then where's the rest of your food?" I ask her. She freezes and looks up at me. "Willow?"

"I'm done with my homework," Willow says as she stands up.

"Wait a minute, Willow," I say. "I asked you a question."

"I not know where it went, Daddy," Willow says quickly before she runs upstairs. I shake my heard and put her lunchbox away, deciding to talk to her later.

When Katniss finally walks through the door, I anxiously look over at her.

"What did she say?"

Katniss takes a deep breath. "She thinks he has colic," Katniss says as she hands me our fussy baby boy. 

"So what do we do?"

"Let's see," Katniss says nervously. "She said try sitting him in his carrier on top of the dryer. She said the soft noise sometimes helps. If it makes him worse, we need to try to keep things as quiet as possible." Katniss takes a deep breath, and I can tell she's feeling overwhelmed.

"Um… She said try rocking him, or try the baby swing. But move him to his crib if he falls asleep. If nothing else helps, she said try taking him for a walk in the stroller, or for a car ride.

"If he seems uncomfortable while he's sleeping, we need to move him into different positions. Swaddle him up so he's real snug. She said a warm bath sometimes helps, and to try his pacifier. Try burping him often to ease any gas pains."

Katniss's eyes fill with tears, and she starts bawling.

"Peeta," she cries. "When we had Willow, I was worried about not being a good Mom to her. I didn't think I had to worry about that anymore. But now I'm feeling so overwhelmed and I'm second guessing myself, and…"

"No, Katniss," I say, interrupting her. "Don't ever doubt the fact that you're a great mother." Katniss looks at Rye and she takes a deep breath as she wipes away her tears.

"Mom said to try different stuff and just see what makes him the most comfortable."

"We can do that," I tell her. "It will be okay." Katniss slowly nods her head. "Why don't you go upstairs and lay down? You look tired?"

"Okay," Katniss says softly. "What about Rye?"

"I'll take care of him," I say. "I'll try to get him calmed down before I fix supper." Katniss nods and starts upstairs.
Who watched NCIS last night? OH MY GOSH! That made me so happy! I missed the Flash to watch it, and I have to say, I was NOT disappointed. But, honestly, I knew as soon as the doctor walked in what she was going to say, and I was legit bouncing in my seat! I'm such a fangirl!! 😂

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