Yandere! Perfect Cell x Goddess! Reader Part 2 'The Meme Queen Returns'

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(Now, I don't usually make parts to my one shots but I really enjoyed making this one before and I thought I'd bring back these two.)

"Y/n! Get in here, my goddess!"

You feet clumped against the ground as you made your way to "your king".

There he was, perched up on his throne with a big smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello, my dear goddess. I have a request of you." He purred in his smug tone.

"I want you to-"

He was cut off by a fidget spinner hitting him on the forehead.

He incinerated the evil contraption in his hand and screamed,


You smirked to yourself.

Whenever he asked for a present, you gave him a fidget spinner.

He absolutely despised them.

He flew down from his throne and towered over you.

"You think it's funny, don't you?"

You smiled up at him and nodded.

Cell was about to slap you when someone burst through the doors.

"Professor Oak, he came." You muttered.

"M-My king! We are under attack!" The frenzied servant stuttered.

"By who?!" Cell demanded.

"T-They say they're from... Planet Tumblr?" The servant responded.

"Oh.... Fuck..." Cell muttered.

"You have to defeat them...! N-No one else can...!" The servant said while pulling nervously on the collar of his shirt.

"JUST DO IT!!!!" You yelled.

"Silence! You, take my goddess to her room and do not let her leave until I return." Cell said.

The servant nodded and pulled you away. You didn't try to break free, anything was better than staying with Cell.

You jumped in surprise when a blue penguin broke through the glass of a nearby window.

The penguin took its last breath, and you could make out the word "Cowbelly" written on its stomach.

"M-My queen, hurry!!" The servant exclaimed and ushered you into your room.

"I don't care that you broke your arm."

"What was that, my queen...?"


"I-I'm holding back tears, my queen..."

"Boy, shut yo sensitive ass up.... N-Never mind I-I'm crying..." You whispered.

The servant looked out the window, wiping his tears.

"It's quite a battlefield outside..." He murmured.

"Top Ten Anime Battles." You responded.

"....... You should drink something, my queen. Would you like coffee or green tea?" He asked.

"Coffee." You responded.

"I-I know I gave you a choice but I suggest you choose green tea." He said.


"Green tea."


"Green tea."


"Green tea."


"Green tea."


"Fine! You can have coffee!" The servant grumpily started brewing it.

"Y/n!!!! Y/n!!!!"

Your head snapped to the door when Cell burst in, all bloody and bruised.

"T-That man was sent by t-them...! To take you back...!"

You turned your head and stared at the man who was shedding his shirt.

"A-And his name i-is... JOHN CENA!!!"

Cell coughed up blood and slowly looked down, seeing that the man put his fist through his chest.

The light left Cell's eyes as he collapsed onto the ground.

John held out his arm.

You shrugged and linked arms with him.

The millions of people cheered a deafening cheer when you walked out the front doors of the castle.

"I'm sure glad to be away from that bastard," You said and looked at the screen, "Leave a like if you agree."

(Video for the coffee green tea part.



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