Christmas Special! Goku x Reader 'Christmas Eve Festivities'

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(Hey guys! I am doing a little one shot for Christmas that is Goku x Reader!)

You were awoken bright and early on Christmas Eve by a hyperactive Goten.
"Mom! Dad! Wake up!" He yelled excitedly.
You sat up in the bed that you shared with Goku and yawned.
"It's Christmas Eve buddy not Christmas Day." You said half asleep.
"But Mom! We still have to get a Christmas tree and we need Christmas cookies!" Goten whined.
You rubbed Goten's head and shook Goku awake.
"Mmhm food...." He said sleepily.
You giggled.
"Wake up bed head!" You said and kissed his cheek.
Goku slowly opened his eyes and frowned.
"Y/n I told you not to wake me up until Christmas morningggggg." He complained.
"You'd be skipping three meals then." You said as you got out of bed.
"Goten go get dressed and brush your teeth and your father will go get a Christmas tree, right Goku?"
Goku's stomach growled.
"Sure! But can we eat first?"
You laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Alright Goku."
"Yay!" Both Goku and Goten cheered in unison.
You laughed and went to the kitchen as Goten raced to his room and Goku quickly got out of bed.

After a while your huge breakfast fit for a saiyan was ready.
"Goku! Goten! Breakfast!" You called.
You heard two pairs of legs excitedly run down the stairs.
Before you knew it Goku and Goten were at the table gobbling down food.
You laughed and started to eat before the food was all gone.

After breakfast you instructed Goku to go get a tree while you baked some cookies.
"Why can't I bake the cookies?" Goku asked, rubbing his stomach.
"Because you'll burn the house down." You said, lightly hitting him on the head with a spoon.
"Fine I'll go get the tree." He ran out of the house planning on getting the biggest tree he could find in the woods.
"Goku wait! You forgot your..." His figure disappeared into the woods.
Ten seconds later Goku came running back shivering and full of snow.
".....Jacket." You said, giggling and holding up his jacket.
"T-thanks y-y/n." He said through chattering teeth and put his jacket on.
"Run along now." You said giggling.
He quickly kissed your cheek and run back into the woods.
You shut the door and prepared the dough for the cookies.

About half an hour later you were relaxing on the couch with the house smelling of freshly baked cookies.
You failed to notice the mischievous little boy eating some cookies off the cooling rack.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
You peeked out the window wondering what that sound was.
Sure enough there was Goku pulling a huge tree behind him.
"Oh my..." You said, running out of the house.
"Goku this tree is huge!"
"You said to get a tree so I did!" Goku said, flashing his signature goofy smile.
"I don't think it can fit in the house!" You said laughing.
"Well we'll set it up outside then!" Goku said as he put up the tree in front of your house.
You laughed.
"Goten! Come outside!" You called.
Goten dashed outside and stared at the tree in awe.
"Woah...Dad that's awesome!" He cheered.
"Thanks buddy!" Goku said and stood back to admire his work.
You went inside and brought the tinsel, ornaments, and lights outside.
"We still have to decorate this tree." You said, "I got the bottom where I can actually reach, and Goten you and your father will get the middle and top of the tree."
"Sounds good mom!" Goten said and grabbed some ornaments, flying up to the top of the tree.
You started decorating the bottom while Goku did the middle.

Soon it was dark out and you were all done except for the star on top of the tree. (Or angel, whichever you prefer.)
"I want us all to put it on the tree together." Goku said as he picked you up, and flew up with Goten in tow.
You smiled and clutched the tree-topper close to your chest.
When you three reached the top of the tree you each put your hand on it and carefully placed it on top of the tree.
You smiled and kissed Goku softly on the lips.
"Gross!" Goten covered his eyes and flew down.
Goku smiled and returned the kiss happily.
You both pulled away.
"Let's go inside now Goku for some cookies."
"Cookies!" Goku yelled excitedly and flew down.
You laughed and got out of his arms.
The two boys ran inside with you following shortly after.
You poured them both glasses of milk and gave them some cookies.
Both the milk and cookies were gone in a flash.
"Alright now Goten you better get to bed or else Santa won't come." You said.
"But mom! You and dad can't stay up either or else Santa won't come!"
Goten said in fear.
You laughed.
"We'll be up soon. Goodnight sweetheart." You said as kissed the little boy goodnight.
Goten smiled and ran to his room.
Goku went to his room and put on a Santa costume.
"Ho ho ho!" He laughed.
"Can I have a kiss goodnight?" He asked.
You giggled and kissed him on the lips, but pretty soon it turned into a make out session.
You were both lost in each other's embrace you didn't notice the little boy get out of bed for some water.
He came into the kitchen and was surprised to see his mother making out with Santa Claus.
He gasped, which caused you two to pull away from each other.
The last thing you saw was Goten running back into his room yelling,

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