Whis x Shy! Timid! Reader 'The Salty Cake of Doom'

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Your small heeled shoes gently tapped against the tiled floor.

You worked for the royal family of the planet you lived on, Planet Chickxee.

Tensions were very high, since the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, was visiting.

You set a tray of your planet's finest food onto the grand table in preparation of his arrival.

"Y/n!!" The king snapped and ripped the sleeve of your dress, "Move faster! If we don't impress Lord Beerus, our planet is doomed!"

You quickly wiped the tears forming in your eyes and nodded quickly.

"Y-Yes, my king..." You murmured.

The king spun on his heel and stomped off.

You hustled to the kitchen to retrieve more food.

The aroma wafting off of the trays smelled absolutely delicious to you, you hoped it was good enough to please Lord Beerus.

"He's here!!!" You heard a fellow servant shriek.

You quickly set the tray down on the table and scurried to your place in the back of the room.

The same servant who announced their arrival opened the door.

You were impressed by his skill at not breaking down in a trembling mess.

He bowed deeply and spoke in a soft tone, "Planet Chickxee welcomes you, my lords. Please, come in. We have a feast prepared for your arrival."

A purple man that looked like a giant house cat to you, briskly stepped in, while the other, taller, man with white hair and light blue skin dipped his head in thanks.

"Thank you, kind sir." He said and followed the other man.

The king, queen, and prince stood near the table and bowed to the two visitors.

"Welcome, Lord Beerus. We are truly humbled by your presence, today," The king spoke.

The purple man merely scoffed and said, "I bet you are."

You wrinkled your nose. You didn't like people in power being mean for no reason other than they were important.

"Please, sit, my lords," The king said.

"Are you giving me orders?" Beerus asked dryly.

The king's face paled and he stuttered, trying to regain his composure, "N-No, m-my lord that's n-not what I meant..."

Beerus laughed and sat down at the table.

"You're lucky this food doesn't smell half bad," He said.

The other man set down his staff and gave a soft bow.

"Greetings, I am Lord Beerus's attendant-"

"You don't have to introduce yourself, Whis!" Beerus said irritably.

Whis sat next to him and put the napkin on his lap.

"I am just being polite, my lord." He said.

Beerus scoffed and picked up a piece of meat.

"Well, this looks promising." He said as he took a bite.

His face twisted in slight disgust.

"It's very greasy. Not very good for your planet so far," He said.

You felt sweat drip down your back.

"Let us try this cake." He said and cut himself a slice.

One of the bakers quickly ran out and hurriedly whispered in the king's ear.

You managed to hear what he said, "S-Sir...! H-He mustn't eat that cake...! I-I accidentally put salt in there instead of sugar...!"

The king acted quickly and took the slice of cake from Beerus.

"Y-You don't want this my lord...!" He said nervously.

"Give the cake, fool!" Beerus snapped.

"Y-You really don't want it, sir...!" The king protested.

Beerus pushed him away with such force, the king made a crack against the wall.

Beerus took a big bite of the cake and his eyes bugged out.

Whis took a small bite and shook his head.

"Oh, dear..." He murmured.

Beerus spat out the salty cake and turned on the royal family.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?!" He roared, "Well! Your planet will pay for your misdeeds!"

Tears gushed out of your eyes and you sprinted away.

You hid in a closet and cried your eyes out.

You didn't want to die, there was so much you wanted to do with your life.

After crying for a while, you heard soft footsteps coming towards you.

Beerus' attendant, Whis, opened the door and stared down at you.

"Oh, please do not be afraid, lady." He said and kneeled down to you.

"I-I am a-afraid! I-I'm going t-to die!" You wailed.

You fell silent when Whis placed his hand on your cheek and wiped away the tears streaming down your face.

"Please, I can tell you have spent your whole life serving that miserable king, is that true?" He asked.

You slowly nodded.

"Well, I could use a helper with Lord Beerus. How would you like to come with me? Your life will be spared."

"D-Do... Do you really mean that?" You whispered.

Whis smiled and nodded.

"When Lord Beerus is asleep, we will have a nice time together," He said.
(Get your minds out of the gutter. -.-)

He stood up and extended his hand.

"Come, it is almost time for us to leave."

You slowly grabbed his hand and he gently lifted you up.

"B-But, my planet...," You whispered.

"If you're going to assist me, you will have to get used to planets meeting their demise," Whis responded while staring ahead.

You nodded and averted your eyes to the floor.

"U-Um... Mister Whis...? U-Um... Why did you seek me out...? I-I'm just a normal person and you're...," Your voice faded away.

"I sense something within you. Something I haven't sensed in a long time. Now, no more questions. I shall answer more when we return home," He said.

You flinched hearing loud crashes and explosions coming from the banquet hall.

Whis noticed your flinches and gently covered your ears with his hands.

You smiled up at him and mouthed the words, "thank you".

"Whis!!! I'm ready to leave and destroy this planet!!!!" Beerus snapped.

"Yes, my lord," Whis said and pulled you closer to him.

Beerus eyed you down.

"Why is that woman with you?" He asked.

"She is going to be my helper, my lord," Whis responded and fiddled with his staff.

"I never said you could-" Beerus was cut off and his eyes grew wide.

You had reached up and started scratching behind his big ears.

His ears drooped and a loud purr erupted from his throat.

After you pulled your hand away, Beerus fixed his ears and looked away.

"She may stay..." He muttered.

You giggled and smiled up at Whis.

He returned the smile and tapped his staff on the floor.

"It is time to go home."

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