Frieza x Reader 'Emperor's Empress'

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You were just a normal soldier on Frieza's ship. Expendable and unimportant.
At least that's how Lord Frieza categorized you.
He only put you in that category because of his emotions.
He wasn't used to feeling emotions other than irritation and sometimes joy when he blows up a planet. But when the soldier y/n joined his crew, another emotion was added: love.

He hated feeling what he called a "weak emotion", so his solution was to stay as far away from you as possible. He assured himself the emotion would only last for a little while.
Months passed and love for you was still in his cold heart.
Day after day he assured himself the love would be gone when he woke up.

He was always wrong.

You were walking down the passageway of Frieza's ship, heading to your training that Appule was leading.

You walked into the crowded room with all the other non-elite soldiers in Frieza's army.

All the soldiers seemed on edge today and you weren't exactly sure why.
Appule wasn't exactly the harshest leader they could have in training.

That's when you noticed Lord Frieza in his hoverpod flanked by Zarbon and Dodoria.

You quickly joined the group of muttering soldiers. You managed to pick up some of their hushed conversations about what was going on.

"....Lord Frieza.... Observing our skills.... Whoever isn't worthy enough.... Killed."

Your face paled. Lord Frieza must not want pitiful soldiers in his uniforms, even if they were the expendables.

~Frieza's POV~

"I'm concerned the Frieza Force is becoming woefully faint of heart. I cannot strike fear across the galaxy if we have pitiful weaklings in my uniforms. That is why I must observe this training session."
I informed Zarbon, who was questioning why I wanted to observe. He has no place to be questioning my motives, but he's been loyal to me for so long and I am feeling more merciful today than I ever have been, I wonder why.
It's like I could feel there was someone in this room that I did not want them to fear me... I must be losing my mind. I relish people from all across the galaxy shaking in terror at the mention of my name.

Then my eyes fell on her. Now I understand my odd emotions. Her presence is what is messing with my mind. Her silky (h/c) hair, and bright doe (e/c) eyes. I love the look of my uniform on her body.
I shake my head to get rid of the ridiculous thoughts flooding in my mind.

Appule nervously addressed the group of soldiers, and told them different drills to work on. I hated the sound of such a weakling ordering y/n around...
I shook my head again, banishing the thoughts from my mind momentarily.

I tried to focus on some other groups of soldiers, but my eyes always drifted back to her.

About twenty minutes into the training session I could not take the overwhelming feeling in my chest anymore.

I calmly climbed out of my hoverpod. My feet hit the ground with a soft slap.
In an instant the room fell dead silent.
Soldiers were staring at me wide-eyed in sheer terror. Probably wondering who poor sap was I was going to kill. I could never bring myself to harm y/n in any way, which angered me very much.

I slowly walked towards y/n. Soldier quickly made a path for me until I was standing face to face with the woman.
Her big (e/c) eyes were sparked with terror. Each nerve in her body was tense, prepared for danger that a confrontation with me was sure to come.

I just outstretched a finger towards her.

"You. My quarters. Now."

I turned away and walked towards the exit.
Zarbon and Dodoria were about to pursue, when I waved them off with my hand. I only wanted y/n with me right now.

I looked back to see y/n slowly making her way after me, ignoring all the looks of pity she got from my other soldiers. She tried her best to stand tall and not show fear, even though I was sure she was absolutely terrified on the inside.

I disappeared down the end of the hallway to my quarters.

She knew where they were.

~Your POV~

Lord Frieza wants me in his quarters?! This cannot be good!

I didn't do anything wrong did I? No, I wasn't the best in there, but I was definitely not the worst.

I slowly made my way to his quarters and knocked.

"Come in." Was the reply from Lord Frieza.

I took a deep breath and twisted the knob of his door slowly.

I stepped in and quietly shut the door.

Lord Frieza was staring out the big window in his room at the stars. A glass of wine in one hand, and his back turned to me.

"Y/n. You have caused me to feel many emotions. Anger I would say is one."

"I'm so dead..." You thought miserably.

"... But I just cannot bring myself to harm you at all."

You stared at him in shock. Lord Frieza? Not being able to kill you? What the hell is going on?

"I hate these damn emotions... So weak... I feel the only way for them to be gone is to keep you close in my life so I'll be.... Happy."

"What are you trying to say my lord...?" You asked nervously.

Frieza turned around to face you.

"What I'm saying is this feeling..." He shuddered in disgust, "Love... It won't go away unless..."

He grabbed your hands tightly, and his red eyes locked onto yours.

"I need you in my life, therefore I must make you my empress."

You knew you couldn't refuse him, unless you had a death wish. So you said the only word you could really say at the moment,


He chuckled softly at your stuttered response.

"Very good. Now get some rest, you have a big life ahead of you now, my empress."

He placed you in his bed and softly stroked your face with his tail as you drifted off to sleep.

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