Frieza x Reader (LEMON) 'Resurrected Lord's Desire'

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(I'm sorry that this isn't in the order of the request list, but I just rewatched Resurrection 'F' and I got inspired to write about Frieza. There probably will be another Frieza one after this that is not a lemon. This one takes place in Resurrection 'F'.)

You couldn't believe it.
Lord Freiza was going to be revived.
You stared at him in the new fancy healing tank that restored his body.
He was expected to come out very soon.
The air buzzed with a mix of nervousness and excitement. You personally were relieved that the lord was being revived, under Sorbet's control the Freiza force was crumbling. Once Lord Frieza was out of the tank, people will once again cower at the mention of his name.
You gazed at his motionless form when all of a sudden Frieza's eyes opened.
A surge of power erupted from him.
The spaceship lurched sideways and your scouter, as well as everyone else's on the ship, burst.
Frieza shattered the glass of the tank. Green liquid sprayed everywhere. His tail flicked as he stepped out.
He spat green liquid all over the soldiers closest to him.
You were sure glad you were near the back.
Frieza cracked his neck and clenched his fist.
It was quiet for a while, Frieza clearly had nothing to say and the soldiers were too shocked at his actions to speak.
Finally Sorbet spoke,

"Welcome back my lord. It is very good to see you again."

Frieza glanced at him.

"And you are?" He asked dryly.

"I am Sorbet my lord. I was apart of your support staff before, the third stellar region."

Frieza looked around.

"Hm. You do look vaguely familiar."

"Actually I have been leading your forces my lord. J-just in your absence of course!"

"You've been in charge?"

Frieza chuckled to himself and clenched his fist.

"It seems I've been brought back to the living world."

"Yes! Using our new regeneration machine and of course the dragon balls."

"Dragon balls you say? Ah, those balls from that miserable planet."

"Actually we couldn't find any Namekian survivors, so Tagoma and I risked our lives going to Earth."

It was Tagoma's turn to speak.

"Yes my lord I am Tagoma, it was a great honor to play such a vital role in bringing you back to life."

While Tagoma was talking, Shisami stepped forward.

"While I, Shisami, managed the fleet."

You rolled your eyes at what kiss ups they were being. Frieza obviously had no interest in what they were saying.

Sorbet spoke again,

"And these two have been outstanding warriors under my command, rivaling even Zarbon and Dodoria at their peaks."

Frieza turned away.

"Hm. It sounds like you've done well I suppose, but tell me, is it hard to count the days you've been dead, or did it take you an awful long time to restore my life?"

Sorbet started to look pretty nervous and played with his hands.

"I'm sorry my lord, tracking down the dragon balls and developing the regeneration technology wasn't easy."

Frieza's face twisted in anger.

"Oh I'll tell you what isn't easy, suffering for all of those years in Earth's hell!"

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