50k Readers Special! Various x Reader Part 1

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(50k reads?!?!?! I'm mentally screaming right now! Thank you guys so much for reading my book! And to celebrate, I'm doing a one shot with many different guys a wanting to get a piece of you lovely readers. There's going to be two parts of this, and after the next one shot is a Turles x Saiyan! Reader. Stay tuned for the awesomness! Bye!)

Your feet pounded on the pavement as you ran away from the men pursuing you.

You don't know what happened. From Earthlings to Saiyans, to Namekians, to Androids, and to aliens of unknown races. They were all chasing you and had the same intention.

They wanted.

To play.


Just kidding they wanted you in their bed.

You looked up at the moon. Some crazy phenomenon was going on where the moon was rapidly shifting colors.

Right now it was blue, but earlier it was red, then yellow, and then green. You didn't doubt it'd change colors again.

You saw a dumpster and has a crazy idea.

You jumped into it and quickly shut the lid.

You heard the many footsteps stop.

"Where'd she go?" You heard a voice say. You believed it was Goku.

"Kakarrot you fool! You let her get away!" No doubt Vegeta.

You listened closer.

"Would you two monkeys shut up?!" Freiza.

"I can't sense her energy..." A gruff voice said. Piccolo.

"Master Freiza I can go retrieve scouters from our ship." Zarbon.

"You guys can't sense energy?" Krillin. He might die again if he's not careful.

"Hey dad! Maybe we could all fly around this area. She couldn't have gotten that far." That was definitely Gohan.

"What do you think father?" Trunks.

"As much as I hate to admit it, it sounds like a good idea to me."

"Alright then!" Goku said, "Everyone split up! The Saiyans can go that way, Namekians can go that way, Earthlings can go that way, Androids can go that way, and aliens of unspecified race and can go that way!"

You heard everyone take off.

You peeked out of the smelly dumpster to see if the coast was clear.

You couldn't see anyone up above, or anyone on the ground.

You slowly climbed out of the dumpster.

You walked around cautiously, hiding in the shadows if you saw anything in the sky.

You just had to get to your house and last the night. You assured yourself everything would be fine.

All of a sudden, Saiyans landed in front of you. You must've been walking where they were looking.

You stared at Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Bardock, Raditz, Broly, Tarble, and Turles.

"Hey! There's y/n!" Goku smiled his goofy grin. You could tell it wasn't ordinary Goku though. His and all of the Saiyans' eyes were darker than usual and had a weird glint.

"Hey guys..." You said, "Gotta go!" You sprinted away.

You heard them give chase, but they kept shoving into each other and falling.

You must've run into the Namekian section, because there was Piccolo and Nail.

"Y/n." Piccolo said, "I've had enough of your games. You're coming with me."

Piccolo and Nail had the same weird glint in their eyes like the Saiyans had.

"No thanks Pic! Gotta jet!" You raced off into the android section.

You were stopped in your tracks by Androids 16 and 17, and also Perfect Cell.

"Y/n!" Cell snapped, "A perfect being as I deserves a perfect woman!"

Android 17 rolled his eyes.

"16 and I's new objective is to get this woman." His eyes locked onto yours.

"There's Goku! I thought your objective was to kill him!"

The androids' heads snapped around.

"Where?!" They said.

When their heads turned back around you were gone.

You kept running towards your home, but almost ran into the Earthlings.

Yamcha, Krillin, and Tien blocked your way.

"Cmon y/n I just got a new cruiser. Once you set your pretty little eyes on it, you'll be all over me." Yamcha said.

"Not every girl likes cars Yamcha! She likes men who shave their heads, right y/n?" Krillin asked.

"But I'm bald..." Tien said.

"It's not the same!" Krillin snapped back.

All three men began to bicker about what you liked best, but you were long gone already.

"I hope I don't run into the-" You came to face the many aliens.

Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, Zarbon, and the Ginyu Force, and Cooler's Armored Squadron were standing in your way.

"Lord Frieza, once you and your family have finished with her, may we get a turn?" Zarbon asked.

"My Squadron will get to have her first after us." Cooler said with a glare at his brother.

"No, my men will get her Cooler!" Frieza shot back with a glare of his own. "We should let father decide."

Cooler laughed. "Yeah right! Father always favored you, you spoiled little brat!"

The two brothers shot insults back and forth at each other. King Cold had to step in, but you were gone.

"I'm almost home!" You said excitedly.

You saw the Saiyans in the path ahead.

You quickly turned down a different street.

More of the people you ditched earlier were starting to come back.

They blocked pathways, until you turned down an alleyway and...

Dead end.

You turned around fearfully and saw all the men slowly advancing toward you.

You didn't know if you were going to make out of this night with your virginity.

~End of Part 1~

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