100k Readers Special! Part 3/5

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"Do you think she's dead?"

You slowly cracked open your e/c eyes and stared up at five pairs of curious eyes.

"No she's not... How nice..." A boy muttered.

You sat up and rubbed your head.

"Now you're children...? Sheesh..." You murmured.

"Before I do anything, what are your names?"

A boy with kind dark eyes and crazy black hair spoke up first,

"I'll introduce everyone! I'm Goku, that's Vegeta, that's Trunks, that's Broly, and that's Black!" He said cheerfully.

"Um... It's nice to meet you guys... My name is y/n." You said.

"I'm hungry!" Goku declared.

You stood up and stretched out your limbs.

"Sure, I'll make breakfast for you guys I guess..." You muttered and walked into the kitchen, with the five little boys in tow.

"Earth woman! I demand food this instant!" The little boy named Vegeta snapped.

You turned around and put your hands on your hips.

"Excuse me? You will not talk to me that way young man!" You snapped back.

Vegeta glared at you with narrow eyes and turned away.

You turned back to the stove in irritation and cooked until you felt a tug on your pant leg.

You looked down and saw the little boy named Broly staring up at you with doe-like black eyes.

"Can you please make some eggs? .... They're my favorite..." He said in a soft tone.

You smiled and rubbed his head.

"Of course I will, cutie. You're so polite."

"But why is a little boy wearing all that jewelry?"

Broly smiled and bowed meekly.

"T-Thank you, miss!"

You gushed and picked him up.

"You're so cute!" You exclaimed.

Broly smiled. His face was dusted a light pink.

"Oops!" You quickly set Broly down and flipped the pancake before it burned.

You walked to the refrigerator to get the eggs and accidentally bumped into the young boy called Black.

Black reeled back and stared up at you in disgust.

"Don't touch me, human!" He snapped.

You stifled a laugh.

"Sorry, buddy."

"You will not call me, "buddy"! My name is Black! But since you're a pathetic human, you can call me Master!"

You burst out laughing and ruffled his hair.

"That's so cute! A little tough guy!"

Black spat at you and stormed out of the room.

"Yikes... Feisty little guy..." You murmured and got the eggs.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just jealous I'm so awesome." Trunks said with a smirk.

You laughed and nodded.

"It's okay, Trunks."

"Goku! Leave the pancake batter alone!" You shooed away the boy's prying fingers.

"But I'm so hungry..." Goku said and held his stomach.

"The food will be done in a bit." You said and tapped his forehead.

Goku collapsed on the floor, holding his stomach and groaning.

You noticed Vegeta glaring at you again.

"What is it, little flame head?"

Vegeta's face turned red and self-consciously fixed his hair.

"N-Nothing, woman!" He hissed.

"I never knew little boys could be so entertaining!" You said with a giggle.

Once you finished making all of the food, you put it on the little boys' plates and watched in horror as they tore apart the food.

You sat down next to Goku, and kept fending off his hands from taking your food.

After breakfast, you let the boys loose while you cleaned all of the dishes.

After you found many broken things throughout your house, you made the boys play outside.

After a couple of hours, they came back in.

They were completely covered in mud.

"Don't get that mud all over! I just cleaned!" You shrieked.

"It rained yesterday." Goku said and giggled.

You quickly lifted the boys up one by one and carried them to the bathroom.

You set them in the tub.

"Now take off your clothes... Wait... You didn't have clothes... Are you wearing my clothes?!"

"Sure are!" Goku said with a cheerful smile.

"Just great..." You muttered.

After you bathed the four boys, Goku wanted to sleep with you because he thought your bed was comfortable, Broly was scared to sleep alone, and Trunks, Vegeta, and Black slept in the living room.

"Goodnight Goku and Broly..." You murmured and shut off the light.

Both boys were already fast asleep.

You shut your eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Only to be woken up in the morning with hands on your breasts.

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