Yandere! Trunks x Yandere! Reader 'Double Trouble'

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You whistled and wiped blood off your hands. You then threw a pretty girl's body in an incinerator and left.

You couldn't have her stealing your precious Trunks from you after all.

You went back home and kissed the picture you took of Trunks sleeping on your wall.

You looked at your calendar. (Every single month had a picture of Trunks.)

"Ah shoot..." You muttered. "I gotta go to the dentist today..."

You went into your room grumbling to change out of your blood-stained clothes and take a shower to wash any blood off of you.

"Hey Trunks baby? Do you think my body looks good?" You asked a sex doll with a picture of Trunks' face taped onto it.

"Trunks" just stared at you with that adorable smile of his you loved so much.

"Aw thanks baby!" You said cheerfully. "I gotta go to the dentist now, but I'm free tonight!~"

You winked at the doll and strolled out of your house.

It was a short car ride to the dentist, and when you got there, surprisingly no one was there.

You shrugged and sat down in a chair in the waiting room.

You played with a locket. Inside was a picture of Trunks and a picture of you.

A man wearing a dentist mask and wearing a hat that covered all his hair opened a door and spoke,

"Y/n l/n."

You stood up and walked to him calmly.

The man stared at you for a moment before walking back to where you get your teeth cleaned.

You quickly followed him and was a bit nervous to see the room with all the sharp dentist tools.

"Please sit." The man said and gestured to a big chair in the middle of the room.

You nodded and sat down in the chair.

The man pressed some buttons on a console, and all of a sudden metal bars latched you to the chair.

"Hey what the hell?!" You shouted angrily.

The dentist pulled off his hat and mask to reveal your love, Trunks.

"T-Trunks...!" You squeaked. You really hoped you looked good and sexy to him.

He smiled and put a clear mask around your mouth and nose.

"Shhh. Everything is alright my darling y/n." He said and walked over to another console with a bunch of buttons.

You couldn't believe it. You've always dreamed of Trunks kidnapping you and now it was finally happening.

Some gas came out of a tube connecting the mask and some strange tank.

You guessed it was chloroform or something, so you breathed it in happily. Anything to help Trunks take you away.

"Good girl..." You heard him murmur before you drifted off to sleep.


You woke up tucked snugly into a bed. You sat up slowly and yawned.

A door opened and in stepped Trunks with a smile on his face.

"Good morning y/n." He said.

"Good morning Trunks!" You said cheerfully.

Trunks looked a bit confused.

"Odd... I thought you'd be a bit more upset."

A smile was plastered on your face.

"How can I be upset when I'm with you Trunks?" You asked.

A smile slowly spread across Trunks' face.

He walked over and stroked your hair, earning him a tug into the bed.

You cuddled into his warm chest.

Trunks wrapped his arms around you.

"No one can ever touch my Trunks..." You said dreamily. "If they do I'll torture them to death..."

Trunks kissed your head.

"That's so adorable..." He murmured.

"You've got blood in your hair Trunks..." You ran your hand through his lavender hair.

"That's because I just killed some people, I thought they were going to make a move on you." Trunks said as he rubbed your body.

You gushed.

"You did that for me? Wow!"

"No one will ever separate us y/n." He said.

You both looked into each other's eyes.

You spoke in unison.

"Or else they will suffer a most painful death."

Dragon Ball Z X Reader One Shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz