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Lucy's POV

I wake up feeling very groggy and tired, considering I barely slept at all last night. I sit up and see that Luna and Lila are stil alseep on their tiny bed in the other corner of my room.

I smile.

Luna and Lila are such opposites, not only their looks, but their personalities too.

Lila is a strategic fighter while Luna is just a straight forward fighter.

Luna is bold, stern, most of the time serious (much like Erza) but she can be silly and fun sometimes.

Lila is quiet, smiles all the time and she can be serious too.

Oh! That's right! I should invite Sting and Rogue over for breakfast so they don't suspect anything.

Wait, .... are they going to destroy the guild today? I'd better not let them go to the guild today... just in case...

I link my mind (Kinda telepathy but not. she can see what they are doing too, not only hear) with Sting and Rogue's and find that Rogue is already up, and Sting is still sleeping like a log. Rogue has made several attempts to cook but fails everytime.

I speak up.

"Ohayougozaimasu, Rogue!"

I hear a "Huh?!?" then a loud bang followed by a crash and a "Holy crap!"

I guess Rogue got surprised at my voice and raised his head sharply, hit his head on something, then dropped whatever he was cooking on the ground.

"...WHO WAS THAT?!?!?" he yells

"Relax, Rogue, it's just me, Lucy."

"Huh? Lucy? You know telepathy magic?"

Oh yea, Sting and Rogue don't know about some of my magic yet.

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you guys, anyways, come over! To my house! I can see that you are failing with cooking breakfast! So come over!"

"...Nani?!? You saw?...Well... this is so embarrassing..."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing

"Whats all the commotion?" I hear in the background

"Oh, Rogue is failing at cooking" I say

"Huh? Luce?!? Where are you?!? I heard your voice but I don't see you anywhere!!! Oh no!!! Could it be?!? That you took a invisible potion?!?!? Again?!?!?" a still groggy Sting panics.

I sweatdrop

Rogue answers for me.

"Baka! She's using telepathy!" He facepalms

"Oh...hehehehe...." Sting scratches the back of his head, embarrassed.

"Anyways, we're going to Lu's house for breakfast since I can't cook."

"YAY~!!! Luce's cooking is amaaazing~!!!! and delicious~!!!!!!"

I sweatdrop again.

I break the connection and start cooking breakfast.

Onii-san comes downstairs, rubbing his eyes.

His face still full of sleep.

For a dark person, he sure sleeps a lot, hehe.

I give him his plate of food and tell him to watch over the guild for today, as I might not go.

He goes without hesitation.

I love my brother so much!

I guess he's willing to do anything for me huh?

*evil smirk* >:)

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