S-class Exam Part 12: Attack on Tenroujima Part 4: Battles Continue

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Hey minna, I'm back :)

Anyways, I went to Anime North and I bought so much stuff XD
Did anyone else go?? :D

Enjoy this chapter!


The thick scent of blood was in the air.

"What the bloody hell??" I cursed.

"Laxus." Mira put her hand on my shoulder with a serious look on her face.

"I need you to go find out what's happening. Go help Evergreen and Elfman out. Please."

"Already on it." I tsked, before dashing to the direction of the scream.

When I got there, I found Evergreen and Elfman lying unconscious on the ground, multiple injuries all over their bodies.

My expression darkened.

Standing over their unconscious bodies was an intruder.

One of 'em dark mages.

Grimoire Heart.

I dashed -with my lightning- behind the guy before he notices me, and then grab him by the neck, lifting him off the ground.

"Who're you?" I said roughly, my voice deeper and darker than usual.

"Hmph, who are you?" he snapped back. "Mind letting go of my neck? It might snap any minute."

"Tch. Not very smart now are you? Now tell me who you are before I intentionally snap this oh-so-fragile-neck of yours." I growled, tightening my grip on his neck.

"Urgh..." the guy winces, before smirking.

Tch. Who does he think he is?

This frail, wimpy guy thinks he can beat me?


"The name's Rustyrose. Don't you forget that. Oh but I guess you won't need to remember, since I'll be killing you right here, right now."


Yeah right.

Pretty big-headed guy, huh.

He probably used all his magic power defeating Elfman and Evergreen.

Those two would have been pretty tough to beat considering their opponent was a really weak guy.

I zapped him with a bit of my lightning.

"Eek!" his body jerked with a sudden movement.

"You better tell me every single detail about you and your guild, from why you're here to the members of your guild. I'll know if your lying, so don't even bother." I whispered darkly into his ear.

"Kehehe. You think you can scare me? Ha. You're messing with the wrong guy. I can beat you in a second if you hadn't caught me by surpri-"

I cut him off by sending a strong lightning bolt through his body.

His body spazzed, but he still wore a stupid smirk.

"Is that all you can do? You're so weak. Haha. I could've easily escaped by now, but I felt bad for your poor skills so I'm going easy on you. You think you can beat me so easily? Well too ba-"

I cut him off again and sent a long lightning shock through his body.

He grew limp in my hand and I dropped him to the ground.

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