Chapter 57

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake Up!" Paseris says while shaking me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It worked." Pas says.

"Why is my head killing me?" I ask.

"Yeah, side effect. Really packs a punch. Not that bad the second time though." He explains. I look around. Everyone was getting up.

"Well, I guess we take the Hyperloop home now." Pas says.

"Yeah." I say.  I go to Rose.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." She says.

"Well, I guess we're here now. Whatever happens, happens, but we can do this." I tell her.

"I love you, Shilo. I am prepared to wait for the day we're married, and just enjoy the time we have together now that we're young." Rose says. I give her a hug.

"I'll see you later." I say.

"That is, if we're not under a whole bunch of punishment for the rest of our lives." Rose says.

"We have to go face that." I say.

"See you later, Shilo." Rose says. I head to the Hyperloop.

"Cipheris come on!" Paseris says.

"Hold on a sec." Cipheris says. He runs up to Sky-Lu and kisses her on the lips. They then held each other and said their goodbyes.

"Okay, let's roll." Cipheris says.

"Uhh?" I say confused.

"Oh, didn't you know? We're together now too." Cipheris says.

"Oh, congratulations man." I say.

"Congrats to you too. You got your girl." Cipheris says.

We rode the Hyperloop back home. However, my home will always be whenever I am next to Rose. While we sat there on the Hyperloop, I couldn't help but think back on my life. Things have really changed from over half a year ago. Our relationships with the girls have changed, we all have changed, and it's for the better.

~~~~~One Year Later ~~~~~


"So, you two sure you want to do this with me?" I ask.

"Yes." Cipheris responds.

"More than anything." Shilo adds.

"Okay, no turning back." I say.

"Why would we want to?" Shilo says.

"This feels like the right thing to do. Let's do this." Cipheris says. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Come in." Kyro says. We go in.

"Oh heaven sake, what brings you to my office?" Kyro asks.

"We are here to ask you something important, Sir." I say.

"And that would be?" Kyro asks.

"Your daughter's hand in marriage." I say seriously.

"Each one of you?" Kyro asks.

"Yes, Sir." We all say. Kyro looks at us and starts to laugh.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in my entire life. What would make you think I would give my approval to you three out of all the people out there. After the incident last year? Are you serious?" Kyro says.

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