Chapter 40

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(Shilo cont.)

"Are you okay?" Rose asks.

"I think I'm remembering something." I say.

~~~~~ 12 Years Ago ~~~~~

"Hey! My sisters woke up, they're here." Violet says. Sky and Rose walk in. They were wearing the same thing. However, Rose had bright greenish blue eyes while Sky-Lu had deep blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Paseris." Paseris introduces himself with a smile.

"I'm Cipheris and that's Shilo." Cipheris says. I was a bit shy and stayed silent.

"Hi, Cipheris and Shilo." They say in unison.

"I'm Skyler Luan, but you can call me Sky-Lu." Sky-Lu says.

"And I'm Rose. We are twins." Rose says.

"You look the same, but your eyes are not the same." Cipheris says.

"We are twins too!" Shilo says.

"No, I'm older by a day and I'm taller." Cipheris says.

"But mommy says we are supposed to be twins!" I say. Rose and Sky-Lu laugh quietly.

"Do you want ice cream?" Paseris asks.

"Yes!" Sky-Lu says.

"I do!" Rose adds.

"I'll give you!" Cipheris and I say in unison.

"No! I will!" We say in unison again.

"I'm older!" Cipheris says.

"I'm going to race you." I say. We both run to the kitchen. Rose and Sky follow. Cipheris and I fight back and forth for the tub of ice cream. He then snatched it from my hand, however, he loses his grip and it falls all over the floor.

"Look what you did!" I say.

"It's all your fault, Shilo!" Cipheris shot back. Sky-Lu and Rose just looked at us angrily.

"What happened here!" Mom yells.

"It's his fault!" Cipheris and I say pointing at each other.

"Well, now you have to apologize to Rose and Sky-Lu for not being able to give them ice cream." Mom says.

"Sorry, Sky-Lu. Sorry, Rose." We both say.

"Hm... Cipheris you're a big dummy. You're the one who dropped it!" Sky-Lu says.

"I didn't drop it, he made me drop it!" Cipheris says.

"I saw you." Sky-Lu says.

"You're lying!" Cipheris says. Sky-Lu and Cipheris kept on arguing. Mom tried to stop them from fighting.

"Do you want some chocolate?" I ask Rose softly.

"Um-hm." Rose says. I took Rose to the living room. Then I grab a jar that was on a shelf and open it. I pull out a chocolate bar and we split it.

"Thank you for the chocolate." Rose says.

"You're welcome." I say.

~~~~~ Present~~~~~

"I remembered the day we met." I tell rose.

"Aww." Rose says.

"You and Sky used to dress the same." I say.

"Oh, yeah. I'm so glad we stopped that. If it wasn't for our eye color, you really couldn't tell us apart. Also, that's why I have my hair different." Rose says.

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