Chapter 46

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~~~~~Three Days Later~~~~~


"December 28th. Mark this date on your calendars, men. Today we all will fight." The Colonel says.

"For the safety of our homes!" A soldier says.

"For the sake of our children and loved ones!" Another says.

"Say, soldier, are you prepared for the battle?" The Colonel asks.

"Yes, Sir." I say.

"The opposition is going to be tough but I am hoping the men will make it through." The Colonel says.

"What if we don't?" I ask.

"Then we would have gone down putting up a glorious fight. All we can do is an attempt." The Colonel says.

"I suppose you are right." I say.

"Is something the matter?" The Colonel asks.

"Well, no. I can handle it." I say.

"I see. A girl." The Colonel says.

"Does everyone know?" I ask.

"Well, at night you tend to repeat the name Rose. And I doubt you are a gardener." The Colonel says.

"I've dealt with it this long, I'll be fine. I just need to learn to let go of things." I say.

"We have about an hour or two before we reach the field. Which we would then commence the war... You know sometimes it's not bad to keep things, and don't let go." The Colonel says.

"I understand." I say.

"Good." He says. We marched on. All we ever seem to do is march on.

As we passed through forest and field, my thoughts wandered to Rose. I sometimes wished to hear her laugh or her voice. I missed the feeling of being around her, how she would put her head on my lap when she took a nap and the way she dances with me. I felt a raindrop fall on my forehead. I look up and saw the dark clouds. Suddenly there was a loud noise.

"That wasn't thunder." A soldier says. The noise sounds again.

"It's a gun. We are under attack. Welcome to the war, men!" The Colonel says.

The Colonel tosses me a rifle. The rifle was filled with anti-magic bullets. We slowly start to get surrounded. We push back into an abandoned city. I give it my all. Lucky because of all those times Cipheris made me challenge him with those dumb dart gun battles, I was a pretty good shot. However, I could tell we were slightly outnumbered.  I feel myself get tired, so I sit behind a car. A just sat there holding the rifle, listening to bullets and the men yelling. I could see the blasts of dark magic in my peripheral. The rain poured down harder. The thunder got louder, it was hard to tell whether it was the war or nature.

I look over to the side. Evan was hiding behind another car just a few yards in front of me. He was shooting at every moment possible. He had a look on his face. It was the face of survival, of a determination to get out alive for the woman he loved. He probably had a family. The sounds and sight of the dark magic increased. They seemed to be directed more towards Evan. He seemed to be struggling. He's not gonna make it at this rate.

"Evan!" I yell. He looks at me.

"It was a pleasure to fight with you!" I yell. He looks at me confused. I get up and run towards everything, guns blazing. My finger never left the trigger.

They all left Evan alone and followed me. I ran as fast as I could. Somehow I ran into an open field alone. I heard a rustle behind me, I turn around. It was a soldier, however, he was taken over. His eyes were evil. His skin was pale. This must be how I looked when Sendemo took over me. He grabbed his gun. I knew what was going to happen now and I couldn't outrun it. I had run out of bullets a while ago. I drop my gun. I kneel down. I could feel the tears run down my face. At least she's happy, she is loved, she is safe. My Rose, as beautiful as she could be.

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