Chapter 14

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"Fine, walk away like you always do!" Sky said. I just kept walking. I couldn't deal with this anymore. Suddenly, I heard a yell for help. It sounded like Sky-Lu. I turned back and yellow fog started to fill the air. I run towards Sky, however, I can't find her. I heard weird voices and then blacked out. Next thing I knew, I woke up on the floor. I looked up and saw a beautiful mural on the ceiling. I looked at my hand, which had some sort of handcuff. I was handcuffed, to my relief, Sky. However, she was still asleep.

"Sky, Sky-Lu, wake up." I say shaking her. She then wakes up.

"What's going on?" She said drowsily.

"I don't know. Are you okay?" I ask.

"I guess. Why am I handcuffed to you? Did you do this?!" She asks.

"What? No! Why would I choose to be handcuffed to you and how would I be able to do this?" I say. She just looks at me.

"Where are we?" She asks. The lights suddenly turn off. A spotlight turns on. Underneath it is a throne with a girl.

"Is that a little girl?" Sky points out.

"I think so." I reply softly.

"Come forth Princess Sky-Lu of Tyioki and Prince Cipheris of Hiroako." The little girl said.

"How does she know us?" I ask.

"I said to come forth!" The little girl said angrier. She lifted her hand and used some sort of mystical force to bring us closer to her. We just gasped.

"That's better." She said.

"Excuse me... little girl... why are we here?" Sky asks.

"My name is Bailamor. And you're here because you guys are in love with each other." Bailamor said. Wait, what?

"No, um we're not in love with each other." Sky said.

"Yeah, she hates me." I add.

"Listen, I am a love spirit. I can sense love. If I say you're in love, then you're in love! Now it's time to dance!" Bailamor says. She uses her powers to set up an orchestra. She then gave us old fashioned royal clothes.

"Not bad I guess." Sky says. She looked really pretty given the circumstances.

"I don't know, we really don't like each other." I say.

"Dance together or you both die!" Bailamor says. Sky and I gasped.

"Could you at least un-cuff us?" Sky says nervously.

"Fine." Bailamor agreed reluctantly and poofed away the handcuffs. Sky-Lu and I positioned ourselves to dance.

"She's insane and obviously magic. She might actually kill us... Do you know how to Ballroom Dance?" Sky-Lu asked me softly and terrified.

"I think I know a thing or two." I tell her. We start the dance. She seemed impressed with my skills of twirling and rhythm keeping.

"For a jerk, you actually know how to dance okay. Where did you learn?" Sky asked.

"Well, don't say anything, but Paseris would spend hours watching videos on how to Ballroom dance. I'm guessing to impress Violet. I may have picked up some of it." I explained nervously. Sky started to laugh nervously with a bit of terror.

"Those two should be here." Sky said.

"Yeah, they are truly hopelessly in love with each other." I say.

"Slow Dance Time!" Bailamor says cheerfully. I look at Sky.

"It's okay. I mean it's this or death." Sky-Lu tells me with terror in her eyes. I get closer to her. She lays her head on my shoulder.

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