Chapter 11

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I hear a thump followed by an "Oh my god are you okay." I rush out of my room. I see Shilo on the floor holding his head.

"Bro are you okay? Did they try to jump you?" I ask jokingly but still slightly concerned.

"What? No, I tripped on your dumb controller and hit my head on the coffee table." He tells me.

"Is my controller ok?" I asked him. They all just look at me.

"I'm kidding. I'll go get you some ice." I say and go to the kitchen. I come back and toss an ice bag to Shilo. It hits him in the face and he just glares at me.

"She's still sleeping? She must be a heavy sleeper." I say noticing Rose.

"Yeah. She's always been since she was little. I know I am, but her... nothing is waking her." Violet explained.

"Shilo was gonna carry her home but... that." Sky says referring to his accident.

"You guys trusted Shilo with doing something like that? It's like Murphy's law with him." I asked, surprised.

"Hey! I could have carried her if I hadn't you know... injured myself." Shilo refuted.

"Case in point." I say. He just rolled his eyes.

"You know what, I'll take her." I say. I go in to pick her up. Sky just looks at me with a disapproving look.

"If it's okay with you guys." I say as I took a step back.

"Just be careful with her." Sky warns me. I lift Rose and hold her.

"Okay, let's go. Shilo, you stay. I don't know if you have a concussion or something." I say.

"Okay, Dr. Cipheris." He says sarcastically. We start to walk across. Halfway across I hear Rose start to mumble something.

"Shilo." She says softly with a smile and holds on to me tighter. Well, this is interesting. Wrong brother though. I wonder what that means? Once we get to their house, I go to lay Rose on their couch. However, she clung onto me.

"Are you gonna let her go?" Sky asks me.

"I did. She has a death grip on me." I explain in a hushed yell.

"Oh! I can fix that." Violet says. She walks over and pokes Rose on the sides. Rose finally releases me, still asleep.

"Wow, I felt like I was choking." I say in relief.

"I wish you had." Sky says quietly, but I still heard her. I just looked at her.

"Hey, Cipheris! What are you doing over here?" Marigo asked me.

"I carried Rose over here since she was asleep." I told her.

"Oh my goodness. Did these girls make you carry her?" She asked.

"Mom! You asked us to go get her!" Sky said defensively.

"Well if she was asleep you should have just told me. Now say sorry and thank you." Marigo told them.

"Sorry, Cipheris, and thanks." Violet said. However, Sky stayed silent.

"Skyyyy, I'm waiting." I said singsongy.

"Yeah, I'm going to pass." She told me and walked away to her room.

"I'm sorry Cipheris." Marigo says.

"It's okay, it's just how we roll... I guess I'll just go home now." I replied awkwardly.

"See you, Cipheris." Violet said.

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