A Threat To Freak Him Out

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A Threat To Freak Him Out


No sex. If you're ever arguing, or he annoys you, you pull out the no sex card. He immediately stops and apologize a million times.


His mom. Whenever the two of you have different opinions on something, you call his mother. His mom always takes your side, and Scott will always follow what you say after.


I'm not talking to you. He knows that you mean it when you say it because he's seen you do it to Scott. You don't use it often because you need him to vent, and he never pushes you too far.


No cuddling. Isaac loves cuddling whenever your near each other, so when you say no cuddling, he will apologize and wrap you in a big hug, just to be sure you won't leave him.


No touching. Aiden is a really touchy person, and lives to be holding you in some way. He's either holding your hand or has his arm wrapped around you, but when you threaten it, he backs down and apologizes.

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