Chapter 30 Crazy

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Samantha's pv :

It was 6am. I got up and ate some leftover pancakes and pizza then went for a run around the block. I got back and showered and dressed into a black crop top, a red flannel, red Nike trainers, and some black leggings. I left my hair opened as my curls dangled down.

I saw Jake and Shawn in the kitchen. I bro hugged Jake and said hi to shawn "good morning baby sis. You look good today." I pouted "so I'm ugly every other day thanks a lot Jake"

shawn chuckled understanding the joke. Jake clearly didn't "no that's not what I meant. You look nice every day no um" I laughed and covered his mouth "I'm messing with big brother. Chill out I'm sorry I ever said that" we all laughed I said goodbye to Jake and we did our ritual.

Pinky promise before you go. Since mum left after passing away. We felt the need to do that. To promise we won't die on each other.

Me and Shawn got in his Jeep. This was gonna be a long drive.. "you do look good Sam" I smiled "thanks you too mendes now keep your eyes on the road, don't kill us"

He rolled his eyes and smiled. Such a beautiful sexy dork. Dressed in his blue shirt black jeans. Woah. Shut up Sammy what's wrong with you. I mentally scolded myself for checking out shawn.

He's just a friend. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Shawn obviously noticed and smirked "whose checking who out now. I think you're sexy too baby"

Oh lord. "what did I say out loud?" he continued smirking "you said im a beautiful sexy dork" I blusher really hard. And I don't blush easily. He laughed so I put the radio on and he slides his spare hand on my thigh.

I don't move but I glare at him "just because I Accidentally said that you're sexy doesn't mean that you can put you're hand on me"

He laughed but didn't move his hand "you didn't flinch at all. Are you used to this then?" I shook my head "nope I've never had a boyfriend but I'm a chill person and I don't really flinch you can't flinch if you box. You know that" he nodded but frowned.

"true but what I can't believe is that you've never had a boyfriend before. So that means you've never kissed anyone and you're a virgin"

I nod "Yh but why do you say this in a bad way? I'm proud of being a virgin. I believe in sex after marriage unlike some people.." he smiled "I never said it was bad and I'm a virgin too" I was surprised. He acts cocky and like a bad boy. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover

"cool.. But wait OMG shush this is my favorite band in the entire world.." as I was talking in the radio the script came on.

Best band in the world singing before the worst. I hummed along and sang into the chorus. "take it before it all went wrong. Before the worst before I.." the song finished and Shawn smiled.

"wow you can sing. I love the band too, especially Breakeven" I smiled "thanks. You're not just saying you love the script because of that song" he smiles and chuckles

"I swear pinky promise swear that's how serious I am" I take his pinky and wrap it around mine and laugh.

We sat in a comfortable silence. We left at 7am now it's 11am and I can tell he's tired. He pulls up at the gas station for more gas. "hey gorgeous you want anything from the store?" i smiled "can you get me a bottle of water please"

He smirks "call me sexy shawn then I'll get it" I chuckle "ok ok sexy shawn get me a damn water bottle" he smiles "where did polite Samantha go?" I roll my eyes and he walks away. I get out the car to stretch and walk into the drivers seat. Shawn can relax.

I'm a street racer, he'll be fine with me. Maybe. He comes back and glares at me and sits in the passenger seat." what are you doing Sam. You can't drive"

I smirked "I lied. I can drive I've got my license ages ago. I like being chauffeured around. But I love driving. I only just told Jake I could drive yesterday.."

he sat there a shocked. "why did you make me tag along? Is it cause I'm sexy?" he smirk and I play along "Yh that's why I made you come to see you and yours sexy ass"

He smirked and came closer to me and whispered "baby girl all you had to do ask" I laugh and wack him away from me.

"I knew you were good friends with Cameron that's why. I never knew it was you. He used to talk about you. Shawn. Tall. Scar on his cheek. Muffin obsessed like me.."

He smiled "you didn't have to list everything I know I'm awesome" he joked and I playfully punch him "ow. Jake was right you're punches hurt."
I laugh "that was soft so stop being a baby. Seriously I need to see you I'm the ring. Us 1 v 1 like basketball."

He laughs and shakes his head no "I've learnt my lesson. My punishment doesn't completely suck. I've got a pretty girl in my car driving while I'm going to sleep." I smile and say knock yourself out. I drive pretty fast and we're in Canada in 2 more hours. Shawn took forever driving slowly.

Hey woke up as we passed the Welcome to Canada sign. He yawned and asked what the time was" 1 pm we'll be home in half a hour " he nods" how'd you get here in 2 hours . It took me 4?" I shrugged" I don't drive like a old woman like you, I drove past a few red lights and went a little over the speed limits " he shot up.

"your crazy what if you crashed and got caught by the police. How much is a little over?" I smiled innocently "it was 40 and I went 65" he got all freaked out " OMG I'm not ready to die yet. I'm too young and sexy. Stay in speed limits now or pull over so I can drive"

I laugh and smirk evily "ok I'll do that... Next time" he just looks shocked it's hilarious "what do you mean next time? Sam what are you planning. Don't hurt me and my baby ."

"who's you're baby?" he doesn't hesitate "you". Damm I got to say I love confident cocky shawn. He turns me on.

I smile and say don't worry. I start picking up the speed and screeched in a corner. The adrenaline kicks in. I drive through the forest like in my past races and go past trees. Shawn is gripping onto his seat" OMG why. Don't destroy me or my car. You're going to kill us crazy! "

We get home in 15 minutes thanks to me. I pull over in his driveway. He jumps out the car and hugs the ground. Just as dramatic as Cameron. Boys and their cars. Well I guess I'm like that with my motorcycle so the feeling is mutual.

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