Chapter 25 SURPRISE!

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Cameron's pv:

I got up woken to my so called best friend splashing water on my face. THIS MEANS WAR! I'll be up to no good planning my sweet revenge. I took a shower and did the usual things till I got downstairs to see Jake wearing his "badass Blake shirt". Aaww he only wears it when he misses our lil sistah Sammy. She made it for them on his last birthday to show him she's proud of him.

I walk up to him and give him a bro hug like Sammy does. He hesitates but accepted it. "sorry cam I just miss her loads... The hug isn't the same. We've never be
been apart I swear we're like twins" I chuckled and it made him laugh a little too especially after I said "you do realise you're 2 years apart crazy Boi" I smiled and told him I'll buy us breakfast since we're both really bad at cooking and he said he's gonna work on something. He's not telling me and it puzzles me, he always tells me literally everything. Even as kids he once pissed himself and told me and I remember just shrugging not knowing what to do.

I walk outside and grab the mail till I see someone who I've not seen in 2 weeks.

"OMG Sammy " I bro hugged her and she smiled." nice to see you too Cammy" she said whilst ruffling my hair so I pretend to be a typical white girl "oh girl you did not just touch my hair it was on fleek like my ass" she laughed and so did I till I realized that there was a guy next to her. He looked really familiar till I saw it was shawn.

I went up to him and bro hugged him too "shawn my Canadian buddy how are you man?" he smiled releasing from the hug "I'm good what about you cam I guess you're still living in LA" I shrugged "wait why are you in LA plus Sammy you guys got some explaning to do. Why are you guys together and how? Sammy aren't you meant to be in Canada with you're dad? OMG does he even know? Are you guys dating? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? How did you get here? And wh-" I got cut off my Sammy butting in "Woah Cameron calm your ass down for a second and let me answer a danm question before you ask me a million at once like you and Jake always do to me"

Him and Shawn just laughed of course then he told me to answer so I began to "ok I came to LA again to surprise you and Jakeypoo. So I guess SURPRISE!" I yell then cam steps back a little so does shaw "OMG Sammy shush I'm not deaf nor is Shawn but I think we will be if you shout at us plus I think you should've started with that but keep talking sister"

I slightly chuckled and continued "oops sorry guys anyway my dad doesn't technically know so... Yh but I left him a note so it's OK ish. I got shawn to drive me here. It's a long story. And no were not dating so chill the f out. OK so I answered it all bro" he sighed in relief "well I'm glad you're hear plus you're telling me about the story later and OMG I just realised Jake is wearing the same shirt as you today Aww it's sibling goals like me and Sierra. I was gonna get breakfast for Jake you guys are coming with me."

He dragged me and Shawn along and we brought pancakes and chocolate chip muffins of course. " how's Sierra cam?" he smiled "she's OK just waiting for him to pop the question and is getting desperate I'm not surprised if he leaves her" he jokes but I wack him "shut up cam you're such a idiot I'm telling on you" he pouts "im sorry please don't" i smirked "ok then you owe me Cammy" and Shawn chucked "well cam you wanted to know how she forced me to drive her here now you know." me and cam laugh while I smile evily at cam and Shawn looked relieved "I'm glad she's not looking at me like that good luck Cameron looks like you need it" I grin and cam goes quiet. Aww he's scared. Shawn doesn't understand I look like I'm innocent but I'm not really.

We get to the house and I bear attack Jakeypoo shouting and then bro hugging him "SURPRISE JAKEYPOO! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!." he huddled around me saying "I guess you did seeing as you're wearing our shirt Sammy I was gonna die without that hug. Cameron did not do a great job." cam and Shawn walk in smiling and then Jake asked "who is this dude" I grin "this is Shawn mendes. Manny son from Canada. He kindly offered to drive me here to surprise you guys" he laughed and extended his hand to shake Shawn's and Shawn accepted "nice to see you again shawn. You obviously don't remember me but I was 8 and remembered you as a kid. You and Sammy were best friends and inseparable. And let me guess you owed her didn't you what did you do for that?" I smirked knowing his embarrassing answer, yeah it's not fun losing.

"I lost against Sam in a basketball match, I never knew she was that good "hmm honest truth. Good to hear that from shawn. But then Cameron and Jake burst into tears from laughter and they spoke up" shawn you challenged.. Sammy to a bb match. Wow you're stupid and crazy. " then cam told shawn." she's been playing since she was 2 years old and me and Mr badass Blake couldn't beat her even when we try " shawns cheeks go a little red but he brushes it off. I smirk at Shawn and he just rolled his eyes

This is a lot of fun.

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