Chapter 5 Home Sweet Home

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Sam's pv :

Today me and dad have to go to Canada to live there I'm gonna miss my house here though. We said goodbye to Jake and cam but they said they'd come later. They have a job to do basically kill someone who's in a opposing gang called starboys (Idk I'm listening to starboy rn so I thought why not 😂)
I've got a pick up truck cause I always liked them as a birthday present from my dad I got this parent provision liscence so I can drive. I usually go street drag racing 🏁 or something like that but I use one if my dad's cars he has loads and doesn't care as long as I don't completely destroy them.

We got on a private jet of course much dad had more than one of those. I don't really mind. We landed in pickering and Idk why I feel like I recognized this place. It feels like home for some reason. Idk I might be going crazy to be honest. But I see my dad's expression change too, it's weird cause me and my dad both bottle up our emotions. I can't help but feel a tear reach down my face, I've not cried since the night, since I lost my mother and that night I lost myself.

My dad got up and sat by me too "hey Sam Princess Ik you don't really wanna be here, hey why are you crying oh you recognize the place I never thought you would since you were so young. But you're strong baby Ik ok Ik its wierd I'm crying too but don't worry it's only cause you're missing mum. Huh that's the first time we've ever talked about mum but before I could say anything he said" I love you so much Ik I tell you this every time I see you but it's true and every time I look at you I see your mum in you, you're strong just like her so don't cry ok Ik you have a million of questions but I promise I'll answer them when we get to our house and knowing you you'll have more than a million especially with your saass and lack of patience, like mother like daughter "

he chuckled at that last part so did I." mi Padre me encanta tu... Dad I have just one question for now. " (my father I love you. That's what the Spanish meant)

" just one thank God "he laughed and I said" hey it's only one for now dad wait till we get home "this is the first real conversation we've had that is emotional " of we left from Canada cause we missed mum why are we going back I don't wanna see you hurt again. "I had to know it's killing me." Princess Ik that's the reason but we have to go back and face life you're old enough now to understand ok plus I missed everything and I wanna see our family back home and check the progress of them. Do you remember Manny and Karen? "

" of course I do wait how are they? "I always worried about others and so did my father I guess that's where I got that from." they said they're great and can't wait to see us. They also had a baby girl a while after we left they named her aliyah I think she's 12.but they still have shawn too do you remember him he was your best friend"

"wow I can't wait to see her and them again but I don't exactly remember him I was only 6 so I hope he doesn't remember me Cause Idk what to do then. "my dad laughed at my response he always does I'm just glad I can cheer him up.

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