Chapter 22 Awkward

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Madisons pv:

I loved meeting Sam she's a hard core interesting person and is not a bitch or slut so that's cool. Me and her related more and are best friends just like aisha and Alice. I'm head cheerleader and when I told Sam she didn't judge me. I'm glad she's seems super chill and genuine, most people just wanna hang out with me because I'm popular but she treats me like a normal person . She's a little closed off but I respect that. I asked her to come and sit with me and at lunch and she said yeah.

We walked in the cafeteria and sat down "I heard about your lesson with miss Evans I'm surprised she did not kill you or vice versa" she chuckled and joked "Yh now she knows not to mess with me" I just realised I don't know her last name "hey Sam.." just then the guys come up and sit with us. Great timing. Jack my bae pecks my lips "hi baby . oh hey Sammy I guess you and Maddy have become like besties already huh " I grinned "Yh she's really cool and chill unlike every other sluts in the school like Camilla" Sammy smiled at my comment

"oh thanks madds you're cool too btw who's Camilla" then Nash spoke up "oh she's Shawn's clingy ex and the biggest slut at school" Sam chuckled I think she understood. Everyone got into a conversation that Matt and Johnson started, of course it was what's better ketchup or mustard. Matt, , aisha, Alice,sammy and Shawn were on team mustard leaving me, both Jack's, Nash, Aaron and Carter on ketchup. "Sammy i thought we were best friends" I joke and Aaron chimes in "Yh Sam I thought we were family and Alice I can't believe you right now" everyone laughed and went to their classes after lunch but I walked with my lovely boyfriend.

"baby what's Sam's last name I forgot to ask her and I feel like a shitty best friend right now?" he chucked "she's Samantha Grey Blake (I was shocked) Yh bae be careful she's Alfonso Grey Blake's daughter Sam who we thought was a dude remember" I nodded "is she in the gang too, like involved" he nodded "yup she's the legend and scares me a little" I laugh at his foolishness and he pouts "sorry baby " and I kiss him till a teacher on the corridor shouts at us to get to class.

Sam's pv :

The lessons were usual. Boring. So it's finally Friday and time to make shawn drive me back home to LA in a while so I still have a few hours to chill. Aaron came over and we were just talk about life and cam and Jake. "hey Sam you're always so calm and a little more open with me but I feel like you're still closed off" I sighed of course every one thinks that "Ik it feels like that Aaron but you have to understand I've not really been this open with people I'm only doing this cause I trust you a couple of years ago I would never even had said hello or hi. Yh I was that closed off"

he smiled "well I'm glad you trust me but I know that one day someone you love will open your book up." I laughed at that thought "bro I don't know about love. Who knows how long it'll last. I wouldn't call it love to open up just some one who you could depend you're life on, some one who puts up with you no matter how hard things get and just stays, true and loyal. If that's what you wanna call love go ahead. " man I get lost in my thoughts a lot of never even realised Taylor arrived.

" oh hey Tay and Johnson " jj smiles and taylor grins" oh now miss perfect has time for me how nice, " I hate it when people say the word perfect and use it to describe people especially me. I was about let all hell lose but I guess jj saw it on my face and spoke up with wise words that I couldn't have said better

" Taylor Wtf dude you can't joke around with that word. Nobody is perfect not me or you. It's a illusion cause no matter how hard you try they'll always be something else that can make it more 'perfect' I lose my chill over this " Taylor apologies for it and we forgave him. I saw Aaron and Taylor chatting so I thought I'd thank jj" I appreciate that Johnson, Ik you could see me about to explode I can just link with you on a spiritual level " he laughed" Yh this is some next level shit. Ik how you feel though everyone saying you should be this and that it's all bs. You know what Sammy you're my new best friend I mean only if you want to "

I stayed silent to see his face full of fear then I laughed" of course jj im sorry for the pause but you're face was hilarious " he ended up chucking" you get away with that since you're my new best friend " gilinsky came in" what about me Johnson I thought you loved me " he pretend to look hurt" wow Johnson I feel bad for you're wife gilinsky here go on and hug her, don't worry you can have jj back but seriously man up " gilinsky runs into Johnson knocking him over and continues our joke" oh Johnson I missed you so much baby " I laughed my head off in tears while shawn, Maddy, Nash and Carter came in at that point.

" OMG Maddy how nice to see you're creepy boyfriend cheating on you with jj " mash yelled (mash =Nash +Matt) we all laughed so did Maddy understanding the joke", darn it I wish we recorded that " I said whilst chucking and Carter said " good thing 8 recorded it from the start " he winked at the Jack's. This is a lot of fun. I can't believe it. I'm not a robot hooray! Sarcasm.

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