Day 3 and a Surprise Visit

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Day 3

David's POV

Day 3... Meghan is getting a bit better, and worse at the same time. Friends are visiting and comforting us. Meghan won't leave Joey's side side. Fans are being supportive. Its been hard. I only visit now, and go back to give things to Meghan she needs. I hope everything goes back to normal.

Meghan's POV

Day 3 is already here. Since then, I have prayed. I started to speak to Joey now, telling him to stay strong, that we need him, and I forgive him about the whole Cat thing. Nicole had to leave back to Boston, and told me to call her if anything happens. David only came to visit now, and bring me things. "Hey, want anything to eat?" one the nurses asked. I was going to say no, but I was starving. "Yea." I said. "I'll bring yo something so you don't have to leave him" she said. I smiled, and she left. I turned on the tv and watched Adventure Time. Its not the same with out Joey being awake, laughing along with me. I miss his laughter... HIs smile... Seeing his eyes... Everything. Soon the nurse came it. "Thank you" I saidm and she left the room. I started to eat my food, and set the left overs to the side. I took out my laptop, and went on YouTube. I stared at the screen, and went on Joeys channel. I started to watch his videos. I smiled. These make me feel a bit better, but still not the same. As I was watching, someone opened the door. I thought it was just David. "Hey Da-" I looked up to see someone I didn't want to see.

Cat's POV

Why hasn't Joey text me!? I haven't checked anything on Facebook or Twitter. I finally went on YouTube and saw a video. 'PrayForJoey' I read. Um... What? I clicked on the video. I watched and listened. When it was over, I was about to cry. Joey is hurt, and I didn't know!? I shut my laptop, and grabbed my things. I walked to my car, and drove to the hospital. When I got there, I asked for his room, and went to the room. I opened the door, and saw Meghan. "Hey Da-" she says and looks at me. "Oh hey Cat..." She says. "Hello Meghan." I said. She set her laptop to the side. "Why are you here..." She asked. "I just heard that MY boyfriend is in a coma, and no one told me." I said and crossed my arms. She made a face. "He doesn't love you! You drugged him. They figured out!" She shouted. "Still. He shall be mine!" I shouted back. She stared at me with anger. "Cat! Just understand! He loves ME! And only ME! Just get that through your freaking head! I don't need to deal with more of this crap!" She screamed at me. I stomped my foot. "I will get revenge!" I said. Soon a nurse came in. "Is there any problems?" She asked. "No. I was just leaving" I said and left. I WILL get my revenge on Meghan.

Meghan's POV

'That was an amazing surprise' I thought sarcastically. Why won't she give up? I shut my laptop. Joey loves me, and likes her as a friend. I got up and looked at Joey. "I'll be back" I said, and left the room. I was hoping someone is visiting Joey. As I was walking, I saw Felicity and Kalel. "Question. Why was Cat here?" they asked. I explained everything."What the hell?! She just won't stop!" Felicity said. "I miss the old Cat..." Kalel says. "Same" I agreed. We went back to the room, and I grabbed my laptop. "Let's make vlogs... TO update the fans about Joey" Felicity says. I thought about it. "Sure." I said. Kalel took out her phone, and started to vlog. Guess she was vlogging earlier. I took out my camera, and started to vlog. "Hey guys. Meghan here" I said and waved at the camera. "Felicity thought I should update you guys about Joey. Well... Still the dame." I said and showed them Joey, back to me. "I hope all of you are praying. I know I am. And I know I look like poop. This is hard on me, but I'm getting better!" I said. "I started to talk to Joey, even though he isn't awake. But, I know he hears me..." I said.

Joey's POV *In Coma Still*

(When he stops breathing)

All I remember is being sucked in bright light. I heard crying and screaming. Feeling pain in my chest. The light kept going away, and coming back. Soon it all stopped. The light was gone, and I listened to the doctors. They sounded worried...

I Love You No Matter What ( Sequel to Working Everything Out *Moey Fanfic*) 2Where stories live. Discover now