Getting The plan Together

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Anthony's POV

So this is the plan... The stuff I got is this powder. We out it in joeys drink. He drinks it, and he forgets that he loves Meghan. He will love Cat. Meghan be heartbroken and come to me. Perfect. We aren't sure when we are going to do this plan. But very soon.

Cats POV

Anthony dropped off the stuff. I looked at it. This will make it where Joey won't ever love Meghan for awhile I believe. I will convince Joey that were dating, and Meghan be heartbroken. She'll go to Anthony. Everyone is happy. I would have my love... Finally... This is going to be perfect.

Authors note:::

Yea... Short once again ;-; sworry!!! But when it gets where they are going to use the stuff, it'll be waaaay longer. C:

I Love You No Matter What ( Sequel to Working Everything Out *Moey Fanfic*) 2Where stories live. Discover now