Planning For Vidcon

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Meghan's POV

VidCon is in less then 5 weeks. Joey, Shane, and I are all signing together. That's going to be fun! I just hope there won't be a lot of haters. Joey and I are planning of what photos to do and all. They even have us talking to the fans, because we are dating now. That made the fans crazy! David is going to be there with us, and help vlog for me a little and take pictures. All our friends are going to be there of course. Joey has been planning something with Shane, but won't tell me!! Why!?!? I want to know.

Joeys POV

VidCon is going to be here soon. Shane, Meghan, and I have planned a lot. Shane and I are planning too. Meghan can't know though. I was over at Shane's and we were talking. " So, your going to propose at VidCon?" He asked. " Yep. I want it to be perfect. I want you, Sawyer, Luke, Ingrid, Kalel, Stacy, and Tyler to throw out confetti when she says yea. I'm planning to do it infront all the fans when Meghan and I are on the stage answering questions." I told him as I pet Corny. " Wow. I need to do that to Lisa if I propose to her." He said. " If? Really" I said and laughed a bit. " Oh haha. We all know I'm going to. Also... Corny stop licking Joey and being a slut!" He said. I laughed and Corny looked at us. " Shane!!!" I laughed and he looked at me. " Bitch. You know I'm funny anya" he said. " Hey! That's mine!" I said. He rolled his eyes and we laughed.

Meghan's POV

Joey is going to be busy all day, cause he's filming a video with Shane. I wish we could hang. I was planning already what to where for VidCon. I might just where my normal clothes. I tweeted which days for my Burries to wear a strawburry17 shirt, or try to. If not, draw a strawberry somewhere. I want to see how many there are going to be. I sat in the couch watch VGHS ( Video Game High School ) I had fun being in the show. I was watching season 3 ( There is going to be a season 3, but it's not out yet!!) I laughed at some points and decided to plan more for VidCon. David and I agreed on the last day, we will do something completely crazy!! We have fans comment what. Some were CRAZY!!!!! Man I love the fans.

Shane's POV

Joey and I are planning the surprise. He said he's going to propose. Go Joey!!! I'm proud of him. My best friend is going t propose. " My little boy is going to propose!" I said in Shananays voice. " I'm nt a little boy! I'm a man!" He said in his grandpa voice. We laughed once agin. Soon Lisa came in. " Hey Shane. Hey Joey" she said. " Hi love" I said and kissed her. " So, what's going on?" She asked. I look led at Joey. He nodded. " Joey is planning away to propose to Meghan at VidCon" I told her. " Oh my god!!! That's going to be awesome!" She said. " But. You can't say a word!" Joey said. " Promise!" She said and went to the editing room.

Meghan's POV

David and I are making free shirts for the fans. We thought it be nice to. We are making over 500 in all sizes. Soon we were done. " Damn! My hands hurt" he whined. " So does mine! But, I think that's all we need for VidCon." I told him. He nods. " want get food and watch movies?" I asked. " Hell yea! I get the ice cream!" He said and got us the ice cream. I put in the movie Evil Dead. We sat in the couch and ate the ice cream. So yummy!

David's POV

Meghan and I ate ice cream and watched movies. We did this a lot at home. I love my sister. We do everything together. When the 5th movie ended, I looked over at her. She was asleep. I set my empty icecream to the side and carries Meghan to her room. I tucked her in and smiled. I went back to the living room and cleaned up. I turned off the tv and went to my room and went to sleep.

Joeys POV

I left Shane and Lisa's place at 5pm. I drove to my place and saw Sawyer was doing something in the living room. " Hey Joey. Mind getting me some chips" he said. " Sure" I picked out his favorites and tossed them to him. I walked to my room and texted Meghan. She didn't reply. Probably asleep. I went to get pjs, and made contact with the ring box. I smiled and continue what I'm doing. I changed in my

Clothes and got in bed. I started to watch Tortoro. Soon I fell asleep.

Authors note

I know... Short e.e I tried

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