Just Have To Wait

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~Meghan's POV~

I woke up, and tried to remember what happened. Oh yea... Joey stopped breathing I think? I'm not sure... All I know the machine made that beep, and a lot was happening. Wait... Joey! "Joey!" I said. I looked around and saw I was in the waiting room with Nicole and David. David woke up. "Meghan. You okay?" He asked. "Joey... Is he okay?!" I asked. "I'm not sure... They haven't told us." He says. I frowned. "It be okay. You know he is strong." David says. "Everyone says its going to be okay..." I mummer and slumped in my chair. Nicole was still asleep, and David wouldn't leave my side. Soon a doctor came up to us. "Are you friends with Joseph Graceffa?" he asked. I nod real fast. "Well... What happened last is that he stopped breathing on his own, and it took us 10 times just to get him to breath again. But, he can barely breath on his own... So we have him on a machine. He is still in his coma though." he said. I nod slowly. "But... We have some bad news. If he doesn't wake in the next 7 days, we have to let him go..." He tells us. That's when I lost it. David frowned, and held me. "I know this is hard on you. But you may see him if you want." the doctor says, and leaves. I kept crying, which woke Nicole. "What's wrong?" she asked. "D-D-David... Please explain to her, but not around me..." I said sniffling. David nodded, and took him and Nicole to the side. I sat there, and saw Nicole crying. I got up, and went to them. "Hey..." I said. Nicole pulled me into a hug, and I hugged her back. I know this is hard on her, because this is her little brother. "They said we can see him." I told her. She nodded, and so did David. We started to walk to Joeys rooms, preparing ourselves to not break down.

Nicole's POV

I can't believe what I just heard... Joey stopped breathing, and it took them 10 times to bring him back! And now he can't breath on his own. Still in a coma, but if he doesn't wake in 7 days we have to let him go... That'll kill me, our family, his friends, the fans, and mostly Meghan... We finally went to his room, preparing to see him. We walked in, Meghan and I froze in our spots. Joey looked a bit worse. It's sad to see him not breathing on his own. "Guys..." David said. I looked at him, then Meghan. She's crying, and I was a bit too. Meghan fell to her knees, and cried harder. David and I went to her, and comfort her. "Shh" I said, and sniffle. "David. Can Nicole and I be alone?" She asked. David nodded and left. "Can you help me up..." She said weakly. I nodded and helped her up. "Why is this happening?"she asked. "I don't know..." I said. "This is day 1. If he doesn't wake up on day 7, he's.... Go-" she started to cry more. "I know..." I said, and cried a little. "What do we do..." She asked me. "All of us pray for him to be okay... Let god help..." I said. She nod slowly. "Guess we announce on Twitter and Facebook" she said. "Try to make a video Meghan." I said. "I want to make one now." She said. I nodded. "David you can come back in" I said, and he walked in. We explained everything. "Let's make the video..." He said. We agreed, and got Meghan's camera.

Meghan's POV

We got my camera, and we went to a corner to record. We set it on a table to see David, Nicole, and I. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath in. I opened my eyes, and pressed record.

Nobodies POV

( M: Meghan, D: David, N: Nicole)

M: Hey guys. Meghan here. -smiles weakly-

D: With David.

N: and Joey's sister, Nicole.

M: Sorry I haven't recorded. You may all know Joey is in a coma.

N: and... Something happened...

D: he isn't dead.

M: But... He stopped breathing in his own, and he has a machine that is helping. But... That's not the worse...

N: Should I say it or David?

M: I got this...

D: okay.

M: Um... -starts to tear up- They said... If Joey doesn't wake in the next 7 days, they have to let him go...

N: -starts to cry too-

D: -hugs Nicole and Meghan-

M and N: -cries more-

D: Shh...

M: -wipes eyes- So... We all want you guys to pray for Joey, his friends, family, and fans.

N: We will start a new thing on Twitter and Facebook.

D: #PrayForJoey

M: Please... -cries some more-

N: We want to thank you all...

D: For being here.

M: I don't know how to end this...

D: I think I know... To give the fans a smile probably... -whispers to Nicole and Meghan-

M and N: -nods-

M: Ready...

N and D: Yea...

M, D, and N: And may the odds be ever in your favor... Goodbye... -says kinda weakly-

M: -covers the camera lenses-

Meghan's POV

I stopped recording, and started to cry. I took off my camera and started to upload the video. The three of us tweeted about #PrayForJoey. We used every site. Soon our phones blasted for twitter. Everyone said get better Joey, and tell me to stay strong. I smiled at how many people cared. I set my phone down, and got up. I went to the calends, and marked day 1 to 7. During the rest of the day, some friends came in. I'm surprised we haven't seen Cat... I don't care about her anyways. Soon it was 8:45pm. "We should get some sleep..." I said. "Yea" Nicole and David said. I went next to Joey, and held his hand. I prayed. 'God... Please... Please keep Joey alive, and let him wake. He doesn't deserve this. If he doesn't wake, and has to leave... Me, his fans, friends, family, and more would be devastated. Please help...' I thought in my head, and looked at Joey. "I love you Joey-bear." I whispered, and fell asleep.

Authors Note::

Yes... This might make some of you hate me a bit. Will Joey wake up before those 7 days, or not? Well, just have to wait, but check out my...

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