Re-Arranging The Plan

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Cat's POV

That's just great! Joey and Meghan are getting married! I hate it. That should be me! Better do the plan soon Anthony!

Anthony's POV

Looks like Meghan and Joey are engaged... This is just great. Looks like the plan need to happen soon. We don't need them married! I picked up my phone and called Cat.

C: Hello?

A: Hey. Its Anthony

C: Oh hey.

A: I can tell you heard?

C: Yep.

A: We need to do the plan.

C: Next week?

A: If you want

C: Okay. I will plan to do a COLLAB with Joey.

A: Okay.

C: When the stuff works, and Meghan comes here. She'll need someone. THen you will come. Okay?

A: Okay. Sounds like plan.

C: Kay. I'll call Joey.

A: M'Kay, Bye.

Cat's POV

I hanged up on Anthony and called Joey.

J: Hello?

C: Joey its Cat.

J: Hey Cat-anya. What's up?

C: Wanting to know if you want to do a COLLAB next week?

J: Sure. Meghan will be out on Tuesday

C: Kay.

J: Okay. Bye Cat-anya!

Joey hanged up and I smiled. "Perfect' I said to myself.


DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! So much! Its really fun to have a few bad guys. Well... Check out my

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