The Girl In The Mask Ch.37

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***Sorry for the wait, but my arm and neck has gotten worse. I apparently did something to the nerves in my neck and something to my collarbone that is sending pain through my body, sadly this has been happening since Jan. Lately I began to lose control of my muscles and they would keep moving without me wanting them to do that, apparently these are called "tics" in the medical world. I get really dizzy when I type and the pain has gotten even worse. I'm still going to type the story as often as I can, though I'll be much slower at it. Sorry in advance for that. Now, CONTINUE WITH THE STORY!***


            “Do we have to leave?” I moaned as George pulled me to my feet. He just chuckled at me before looking at a clock that was mounted outside one of the buildings.

            “Yes, we have some where to be,” he offered me his arm, “Shall we?”

            “We shall,” I curtsied and linked my arms with him.

            “Then let’s go.”

            We landed right outside of Grimmauld Place. It was around five in the afternoon and I was confused as to what George had planned next, besides, my dad had told me that a meeting would be going on tonight.

            He opened the door and led me into the living room, which had been strung with floating balloons and candles, while steamers hung throughout the room. Everyone had just gathered downstairs and I noticed that they had cleared a spot in the middle of the room, leaving space for the towering pile of gifts.

            “Are you ready to open your gifts, dear?” I'm not sure what was shocking me the most at that moment. Whether it was Mrs. Weasley being oddly nice to me or the fact that everyone here actually went out of their way for me, I'm not sure.

            “Come on,” George sat me in between Fred and him. They handed me the first present, the one I recognized as the gift Elena had given me. She watched my carefully with a huge smile, when she noticed me looking at her, she gestured for me to open it.

            I tore through the shooting star wrapping paper until I was finally able to take out her gift. Inside was a floral scarf, as I unfolded it, I noticed that there was half of a Best Friend necklace inside of it. It was shaped as a heart with rhinestones.

            “Thanks Elena,” I said, noticing the she had the other half of the necklace.

            I finished opening all my gifts, though I wasn't surprised that when George and I went upstairs, he had one last gift for me.

            “Here.” he handed me a journal that looked just like any other one. “Whatever you right in here, will show in mine.” he picked up the other journal and a quill. He began to write something and before long words appeared on the page I was looking at. It said 'Happy Birthday'. “After you write it, the words disappear from your journal so that if someone tries to look at it, they won't see anything. This way we'll still have contact while I'm at Hogwarts.”

            “I wish I could go with you.”

            “I do too, but if your dad says it's dangerous, then I don't want you to risk it.”

            “I have to admit it strange to hear someone other than his followers, agree with my father.” he chuckled lightly, gazing down at me.

            “Though I don't truly like him because of everything he's done, he's always going to protect you. He even told me he wants you to follow a different path than him, for that reason, I believe somewhat of what he says.” there was nothing that could explain how happy I felt when he told me that. Of course I understood that what my dad did was unacceptable, but it was nice to know that George was willing to put up with him if it meant protecting me.

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