Ultimate Decision

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Jackson's P.O.V

I watched as she slept on her plush bed, even in sleep she was beautiful but, now that she knew of my secret I feared she would leave me for what I have done in the past.

While I was in my thoughts, I felt the bed shift and looked down at Tessa's half lidded eyes as she looked at me for a moment then her eyes widened when she took in my appearance. I watched as she scrambled to the head board, shaking in fear.

I reached a hand out for her and she slapped it away, her reaction didn't effect me I knew she would react this way and returned my hand to my lap looking down.

"Tessa, please, baby I didn't want you to find out this way. I didn't want you to hate me for what I did." I told her.

"But, why...why didn't you come out the blue and just tell me instead of playing with my emotions?" She asked. I turned to her and grabbed her shaking hand in mine.

"How could I tell you? Knowing you would hate me and maybe even call the police on my ass in a heartbeat." I said trying to lighten the mood. She obviously didn't smile and I sighed.

"I would've understood...maybe I would have acted under different circumstances but, I would have understood." She spoke softly.

"Baby, I didn't want to lose you and  not once did I play with your emotions I wanted to be with you because you turned me away everytime I approached you. You were yourself when I met you and that's what I love about you I love you Tessa Renae Goodwin. I told you before and I'll tell you again I will never, ever hurt you. I'll be damned if someone were to kill you I'll be there to take the bullet in your stead." I told her sincerely. Still, she looked like she didn't believe me and I suddenly pulled her to my chest, startling her.

Tessa began to fight in my arms, but, then she stopped completely and just stayed stiff in my lap. I felt her tears soak my shirt and her small body begin to tremble as she sobbed into my chest.

"I know you must hate me now, who wouldn't...I know one thing I don't wanna lose you Peaches I love you and baby I don't want you to leave me. I was put into this mafia business I didn't ask for any of this but, I'm here and it is happening I'm not going to change who am because of what I do and I hope you don't hate me." I said.

Tessa looked at me with sad brown eyes, the both of us to the point where we both may break down. Tessa then looked down at her hands then grabbed my right one in hers holding it close to her cheek letting a few tears fall on my skin.

"Jackson...I don't know what to feel now...although you are a mafia boss I know you won't change and I hope you don't but...I have to get used to this and it's going to take a while." She whispered.

"So...you're not leaving me?" I asked hope in my eyes. Seeing her shake her head with a small smile I kissed her. She was hesitant to return it but, she let the passion consume her and kissed back with just the amount of love I was giving her.

Once the kiss broke, she stared at me for a moment panting then turning her head away I knew she was blushing. She always did that when I stared at her intently.

I smiled and pulled her into a hug, kissing her neck making her moan slightly.

"Jackson...wait, what do I call you?Since apparently your real name isn't Jackson." She asked.

"You may remain calling me Jackson. True my name is Joseph but that is only for my people to call me. You have the privilege to call me Jackson as you know me as. I told you baby I'm not changing who I am." I told her huskily.

"Then what about your parents? Are they still here?" She questioned. I shook my head.

"I told them to return to their private villa to give us some privacy besides I'm pissed at my dad right now." I growled.

"But, Jackson..."

"Please, can I just...hold you for a few moments I want to know that this is really happening, you're not leaving me like everyone else has before...so please...mâ pechè just stay in my arms." I whispered burying my head in her neck and taking in her intoxicating smell. Tessa wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Ok, I'll stay quiet for now. No more secrets okay, I don't want to continue to find out things from your dad." She said. I chuckled softly.

"Yes ma'am." I told her.


Elsewhere in an abandoned warehouse

Lindsey sat on a couch at a private apartment filing her nails as a familiar figure paced in front of her.

"Ugh, will you sit down already all this tension you have in the air is making my hair friz up." She complained.

"Shut up, you blonde bimbo! Who care about your damn hair, we have a plan that needs to be put in motion here. I don't work for free." The mysterious voice spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry I already have someone going in so the plan is going to work. Don't worry you'll have your "plump chocolate" in no time." Lindsey said rolling her eyes.

"You damn right she's mine and no one else's so this plan better work." The voice hissed.

"Relax Joseph...this will work. Trust me." Lindsey said with a smirk.

There you go everyone it seems Lindsey is stirring up some trouble and who would've thought with Joseph. Crazy twist huh? Anyway I hope you guys loved this chapter and please let me know in the comments what you thought! As always you guys have been great so far and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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