The Truth

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Theodore, aka Cookie, Willis is in the mm above handsome old man ain't he?
Back to the story!

I was shocked at what I just heard gaping like a fish. Tessa. My woman was raped?! By who? Why?

"What happened." I demanded angrily.

My uncle sighed and crossed his arms with a shake of his head.

"Jess, had told ve that she vas valking home vone night and someone attacked her. She had vought vhoever it vas but, alas she had lost vall her strength and vhey took her innocence. She vent mute for a year no vone would be allowed to touch her or talk to her because of how scared she vas. There were even times I would veach out for her and she would move away petrified. Poor mi Bella." He told me making me more pissed than ever.

"Who the fuck is he?" I asked.

"No vone knows the police never found out vho he vas but, I guarantee it never happened again to anyone." Cookie said.

Standing to my feet, I walked away from my uncle angry at what I was told and walked straight home but then I stopped in front of Tessa's apartment complex and sighed.

"Maybe I should apologize." I spoke. I walked up the spiral staircase that led up to her home and rang the doorbell. I stood back from the door waiting for any response. After a minute, I rang it again knocking on the door.

Tessa's P.O.V

I was silently crying in my bed as I held Pudge in my arms who was licking away my tears. I heard the doorbell ring but I didn't want to get up and get it because I was too afraid to face whoever was there.

Hearing the doorbell ring again I heard knocking and got up finally to walk slowly down the stairs and to the door with Pudge beside me. I looked through the peephole and saw Jackson making me sigh and open the door ajar again to look at him with red puffy eyes.

"Tessa, I came to apologize-" I shook my head at him and stepped out closing the door behind me. I stood in front of it looking down at my toes too embarrassed to look or even say anything to him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran off like that but...I was...I was just so scared to be with you and when you began talking about how beautiful I was I just...I just-" I was cut off by his lips pressed against mine and that took me by surprise. I slowly kissed back and closed my eyes wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

Suddenly, something told me to stop and I moved away from him with shaky breaths.

I looked up at him angrily then slapped him across the face making his head turn.

"You bastard! Don't ever try that again! I don't want to be hurt again! Now leave my home and don't ever come back!" I walked back in to my home, slamming the door behind me. Not taking it anymore of the pressure I fell to the floor sobs coming out of my mouth and my hands over my eyes.

No One's P.O.V

Hearing the door open, she felt warm arms pull her up and into a hug letting her tears soak the shirt she cried on.

Jackson hugged her to his chest taking in her scent along with her tears that broke his heart each tear that spilled down her beautiful face. He kissed her cheek and forehead pulling her over to the couch to sit her down and comfort her.

After an hour of crying she had fallen asleep in his arms, her arms wrapped around his waist. Jackson gave a small smile and kissed her head laying on his back to make her lay on his chest then fall asleep as well.

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