Lindsey's back

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Lindsey up above you'll learn more about her later. Now onto the story!

Tessa's P.O.V

It had been four months since Jackson and I got together and I have never been so happy in all my life. I even don't feel as self conscious about myself anymore, Jackson has been helping me every step of the way, I love that man.

It was Jackson's Birthday today and I  had finished making his cake, a chocolate cake with whip cream icing. I had written his name on the cake with chocolate syrup and smiled at my finished work taking a drop from the cake icer tip and stuck it in my mouth moaning at the rich taste.

I put the cake top over the cake and set it in the oven for later on today, I had secretly threw a party at Dave and Busters at five this evening, inviting his aunt and uncle, his sister Hannah, who I had met a few weeks ago along with Jess and Tyler who slowly began to like Jackson.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I walked towards the door and opened it to see Bradley with a smirk on his face. I began closing the door on him but he put his hand in the door making my eyes roll and I cracked the door open to look at his smug look.

"Yes, Bradley?" I asked trying to be polite.

"Hey, there Tessa I was wondering if I could take you out today? You know as friends?" He asked rubbing his head nervously. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hang out where?" I asked.

"You know go to the mall, the movies, mini golf. You know Friend stuff." He said.

I shook my head and he frowned.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I have a boyfriend and I don't want him to get the wrong idea and besides I don't like you after what you said to me at the diner that night I don't want to hang out with you." He was shocked from what I could see and I closed the door in his face. Walking back into the kitchen I put the dirty dishes in the sink leaving one bowl that had chocolate icing inside still using my forefinger to scoop up the excess icing, moaning in delight.

After a few minutes of licking the bowl, I began to wash the dishes, humming a song until I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist and warm kisses land on my neck.

"Hi, beautiful peach." I felt Jackson whisper in my left ear then begin to nibble on it.

I smiled and turned in his arms to kiss his lips, making him moan.

He broke the kiss and grinned down at me.

"Happy Birthday baby, how was work today?" I asked turning back around to finish drying the dishes, Jackson's hold on me did not falter.

"Busy as usual, I won a case today put a rapist of a teenage girl in jail for life, but, other than that really busy. How about your day?" He asked.

I shrugged as best I could since his chest was practically on my back.

"The diner really wasn't all the busy today so we closed early and I have been in here relaxing and..." I put the last dish away in the cabinet above us and then turned in his arms again to wrap my own around his neck.

"I've been waiting on you to come home." I whispered standing on my tiptoes to kiss him again. He took my lips in a hungry one trying to wiggle his tongue inside to fight my own.

"Babe..." I said in between kisses as I tried to get away. Jackson wouldn't release his hold me.

"Babe...*giggles* I have to get the cake!" I said seeing as he wasn't listening to me obviously. He smirked as he released my hips and let me walk over to the stove to get the cake. I set the cake on the table and removed the top seeing him gasp at the sight.

"Aw, babe you didn't have to do this for me. You're the only gift I accept." He said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I set the 24 candles on top of the cake and lit them as he sat in front of it cheesing. 

"But, I wanted to give you I knew this was your favorite and I made it for you. Sooo, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear, my wonderful, sexy, charming, and loving boyfriend, Happy Birthday to you! Make a wish babe!" I laughed.

Jackson blew out the candles then pulled me down to kiss my lips again.

"Thank you babe. So shall we share this cake or nah? Cause, I kind of don't want to share." I hit his shoulder and he laughed.

"Boy, I better get a slice it took me three hours to make that cake! Three hours!" Jackson laughed again and we both shared a slice.

No Ones P.O.V

That night at Dave&Busters, Tessa and Jackson met up with Jess and her other friend Diana who brought her husband John and some of Jackson's colleagues. All in all they had fun, Jackson the most who kept winning every game in sight. Pictures were taken, food races were held also drinking matches and finally watching March Madness at the bar.

But, before they left Dave&Busters a certain blonde was watching from a single booth across from the bar sunglasses in place and she smirked at Tessa.

"Don't think you have gotten rid of me just yet, Tessa Goodwin." She cackled.

Her name was Lindsey Kingman, the most richest and spoiled rotten brat in town, 26 years old, psycho and even one of the local sluts as any other Wattpad story has. She was sent overseas to learn some proper manners obviously that didn't work as you can see. Not many know the history between Tessa and Lindsey but, they can feel the tension between them or the fact it was Lindsey who sent that 'unknown man' to go after Tessa three years ago.

Find out in the next chapter what happens next, thank you all so much for reading my story I know I have been out for a while but school is killing me. But please leave comments and likes in the chapter and let me know what you guys think! See you next time!

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