Mall Trip

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Outfit Tessa will wear during her date with Jackson doesn't she look so beautiful?😍😍😍😘😘😘

No One's P.O.V

The plump woman walked from out of her kitchen to her  front door and looked out the peephole to see Jackson still sitting on her porch and still on his phone. She sighed and opened the door to face his back it seemed he didn't hear the door open and she cleared her throat to get his attention.

Jackson shot up to his feet and looked at her with a deep blush on his cheeks and a hand rubbing the back of his head.

"So, I have decided to take you up on your offer not because I want to but, because my friend is forcing me to do so." Tessa said. Seeing him give a sheepish grin he nodded and watched as she moved to the side to let him in her home.

"Please, come in. Make yourself comfortable and I will get ready. Would you like anything to drink?" She asked.

He shook his head and sat on her couch seeing Pudge already come over to his side and stand on his hind legs to rest his paws on his lap.

"I'll just play with Pudge while you get ready. Is that okay?" He asked she nodded and walked upstairs to her room to get ready.

After her shower she put on her clothes and placed light makeup on her face finishing off her outfit. Walking downstairs she could see Pudge playing tug of war with Jackson on the floor.

"Give me that rope, come on, give me that rope." He said playfully. Pudge pulled harder and got the rope running away with it over to his mistress who picked him up and hugged him.

Jackson looked at her in awe making her blush and clear her throat making him look at her with a smile.

"I have to take Pudge on a walk I didn't take him out last night." She told him.

"That's fine we'll go to the park first then and go from there. Is that fine?" She nodded and grabbed Pudge's leash from the kitchen that had doggie poop bags attached to it.

Walking out the door with Pudge on the leash and her keys, Jackson and Tessa walked out the door to walk to the park that was down the street.

They walked over to the dog park and Tessa took off Pudge's leash letting the pup run off to play with the other dogs that were there. Jackson and Tessa sat on the bench and sat in an awkward silence.

"So, how long have you been working at the Rosebud?" He asked.

"Three years."

"Do you have any family here?" He continued watching Pudge run up to them with a stick in his mouth. Jackson threw the stick and the pup fetched after it.

"My parents and older brother all live in D.C. but I do have a cousin that lives down the street from the mini mall." She said.

The two left the park with Pudge, and went to the mini mall where they walked around having small conversation with each other Jackson was even more delighted to earn a laugh from Tessa.

They sat down in the food court eating lunch, having a great time with one another even Pudge was getting attention from all the kids that had passed by to pet him.

"And then he told me, the girl was wearing tissue in her bra and his date was a complete disaster. Now he won't let any girl come into contact with him without asking if their boobs are real or not." He laughed along with Tessa who was becoming comfortable with him and his corny jokes and stories he tells.

"That is so offensive, how will he get a wife that way?" Tessa laughed. They ate in silence for a while until Jackson looked up at her taking in her beauty. Her outfit helped show off her healthy and delicious curves, her hair was all natural and beautifully straight that hugged her heart shaped face and killer smile she would show.

"Hey Tess?" He called a little nervous. She raised an eyebrow at him.


"Um, well I was wondering if you had a good time?" He asked. She smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes, I had loads of fun today I feel like we've known each other for years." She laughed he gave a nervous laugh.

"Well, um would know consider this a date then? And perhaps we could go out again? I mean you don't have to say it was-"

"Jackson, it's okay...I had a great time really but, you wouldn't want to date me I'm a nobody." She said playing with her food.

"Why not?" He asked. She gave a look that said 'really?'

"Jackson, come on look at me, why would anyone want to be with someone like me? I'm not exactly rounded like the models you see in magazines or even pretty for that matter or even the same color as you." She sulked.

Jackson's P.O.V

I have never in my life heard anyone, let alone a woman say something like that to bring herself down. Tessa was the most beautiful woman I have ever met and she fit the ideal woman I had made up in my head. Plump body, lips to suck on, beautiful eyes, a loving and caring personality, but most and importantly she had to be a strong woman.

Tessa was strong I could tell but, coming about with her insecurity about her weight and how ugly she would tell herself breaks my heart. No woman should ever think themselves as such negative things and accept what and how they look even if others don't agree they gotta stick their heads up and keep moving forward.

"...ackson, Jackson!" I refocused on the woman before me and noticed she had a concern look on her face.

"Are you okay? I was calling your name and it seemed like you were in a daze or something." She said innocently. I smiled at her and took her hand placing a kiss on the back of it making her blush.

"I'm perfectly fine, Peaches. I was just deep in thought." I said.

"Peaches?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, that will be my nickname for you when we go on our next date which will be at the diner this Saturday." I said seeing her smile and then giggle.

"You're kidding right?" She asked. I frowned and shook my head.

"No, of course not. I really want to take you out again, Tessa." I told her holding her hand still in mine.

"B-But, I don't think-"

"Tessa, to me you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met I don't care what color you are or if you were as skinny as your pinky I would still love you and I'm not only saying outside but inside you are beautiful as well. I have heard in town that you help everyone in need even if it's none of your business. You are the perfect woman for me." I watched as she snatched her hand out of mines and stood to her feet grabbing Pudge's leash that was on her chair. She had tears brimming in her eyes and her body was shaking.

"I-I...I'm sorry I can't do this I-I have to go I'm so sorry." She rushed away with Pudge beside her as they left through the mini mall's double doors leaving me to stare agape at what just happened.

"Tessa! Tessa, wait!" I called after her.

Getting up I followed after her to where the street was but, I lost sight of where she had went  making me sigh sadly.

"Bonjour, Jackson Mon neveu!" I looked over my shoulder to see my uncle Theodore approach me. I smiled sadly at him and he noticed.

"Bonjour Mon oncle, how are you doing?" I asked giving him a hug which Cookie returned.

"The reztaurant, zhe's a booming! But ve are running zout of ingredients haha, but of course, I am justa fine. Vhat'z a going on vith you my boy? You zeem, how you zay, upset about zomething?" Cookie asked making me sigh again.

"It's just Tessa. I took her out on a date and she completely shut down on me when she told me that no one wanted to date her. I don't see what the problem is she is beautiful in every way possible and that scares her to know that. I don't understand." I sat down on a bench rubbing a hand through my hair.

"Zou don't know do you? Vhat happened five years ago?" Cookie asked. Raising an eyebrow I shook my head at him and he sighed sitting dow next to me.

"Tessa, vas raped."

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