chapter » thirty three

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It took an hour for Natsu to cool down and emerge from the bathroom again. Gajeel and Levy had left, saying they had to finish Christmas shopping, but Lucy was sure that they didn't want to be witnesses to a fight that didn't relate to them. She didn't blame them.

Meanwhile the five of them left were playing card games, and Lucy was massively losing, so Natsu had somewhat saved her from losing the fifth game in a row. As soon as Jellal spotted Natsu silently standing in at the entrance of the hallway and casually cleared his throat, all heads turned to him.

The pink haired boy stood there quietly. "Sorry. For earlier."

"It's fine." Gray was the first one to speak up, but Lucy was sure that Natsu was talking to her; his onyx eyes never broke the gaze they held, and he spoke with a conviction that he would never in a million years be able to tell Loke.

Loke held up his hand of cards and scooted to the side to make room for Natsu on the living room floor. "Up for a round?"

It took a few seconds, but Natsu nodded his head and walked gingerly over. He took a seat between Lucy and Loke, a position he seemed very internally torn over. "What, uh, what are we playing?"

"We're playing Rummy." Lucy grabbed the deck from the center and shuffled out a few cards to Natsu, using it as an excuse to scoot closer to him. "So far I'm losing by a lot and Erza's winning by a lot, which is hardly a surprise."

She was proud that Natsu managed a small smile at that. "Sounds like fun."

And the game resumed that easily. Natsu and Lucy both leaned on one hand towards each other, their shoulders holding one another up as they shamelessly looked at each other's hand. Not only was there a mess of cards in the middle of the circle, but a plate of cookies as well that was keeping all of them well fed and temporarily happy.

"You know I didn't mean it, right?" Natsu whispered as Lucy drew out a new card from the deck. "I'm sorry."

Lucy managed a wry smile. "Don't worry about it. Besides, what did I say? We're always looking for someone else to take our feelings out on."

Natsu nodded his head lightly. "Oh, I'll take my feelings out on you alright-" Lucy jabbed her elbow into his ribs and he huffed. "Too soon. Got it."

Shaking her head at him, Lucy rested it on Natsu's shoulder. So far she had absolutely no cards to make a run or a set with, and yet Natsu already had three numbers in a row. She clenched her jaw at his hand of cards.

"Pass me a cookie will you?" Loke asked as he tossed a card into the pile at the center. He was fine until he realized that Lucy wasn't sitting next to him anymore, and suddenly he pressed his lips into a thin line knowing that Natsu wouldn't help.

But, with another small poke from Lucy, Natsu leaned forward and slid the plate closer to his childhood friend and companion. Though not before taking some for himself and Lucy, of course.

Lucy grabbed a cookie from him and kissed the top of the pink haired boy's shoulder. "Was that so hard? I'm proud of you." She murmured quietly, nibbling on the end of a Rocky Road cookie. She was convinced Jellal's magical ability was baking.

The blonde practically swore that Natsu had purred when she said that, but later ruled it out as his stomach growling like it always did. "I'm proud of you too, kid." Natsu pressed his lips to the top of her head equally.

The game didn't go on for much longer; Natsu had a set and could've won, but something about the competitive vibe in the room said that he was much safer letting Erza win. Again. And after the redheaded hostess was satisfied with her win streak, she jumped up and stretched her mile long legs. "I think it's time for presents."

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