chapter » twenty one

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At this point, high hopes were inevitable.

Lucy knew her hands were shaking, as well as the rest of her body, buzzing with excitement and anxiety all at once, yet she couldn't get it to stop. She wasn't sure if she wanted it to stop; it was such a good type of nervous, a good type of fear.

Dressing in a few layers to beat the cold outside only helped calm her shaking limbs minutely; beneath her thick jeans and cozy sweatshirt, she was still trembling. Her feet managed to walk in a straight line, however, as she made way down to Natsu's floor and across the hall to his apartment door.

Her knuckles knocked against his front door only once before it swung open fiercely. Her fist still risen midair in the absence of the door, Natsu stood before her, beaming with tenacity. "It's about time."

How long he had been waiting behind that door for her, Lucy may never know. Her hand just dropped down in silent awe for a moment. "I told you I'd get here when my lecture was over."

The puppyish expression swam back up to the surface of Natsu's face. "But you never told me when it was over."

"Oh." Lucy had never bothered to tell him, because no one had ever bothered to listen like he did. What was the point in speaking if no one cared? "Sorry."

Natsu's shoulders shrugged once simply. He grabbed a thin black zip-up from the coat rack on the back of his door. With very graceless movements, he wiggled one arm into the jacket sleeve and closed up his apartment door with the other. Even less gracefully, he switched arms and locked up while flinging his other arm in it's sleeve.

Lucy's lips pressed together to keep from smiling too much. Her feet took a step back, just nearly dodging Natsu's flailing arm as he stuffed it in his sleeve. The pinkette didn't realize how childish he seemed as he turned around and held out his hand for Lucy.

Her gloved palm slid into his, legs walking in equal strides beside each other as they made their way out of the building. "You're sure your family doesn't mind me coming over so last minute?"

The air outside was bitter cold; Lucy threaded her arm through Natsu's to keep close. "My uncle won't. I mean, he's grumpy and it may look like he's always annoyed, but that's just his face."

Lucy nodded her head once, taking a little hop over the curb as she and Natsu stood at the bus stop. "It's just his face. Got it."

"Exactly. So if he's always staring at you like he wants to kill you, he most likely doesn't." Natsu's canines glittered white with his grin.

The city bus pulled up before them and Lucy's breath came out in a puff as equally visible as the vehicle's exhaust. "How reassuring." She grumbled.

Her hand never left Natsu's as she walked up onto the bus; he was always there behind her, his fingers laced with hers, the sound of his footsteps right behind her as a reassuring force. The late into the afternoon had the bus crowded; the two of them stood, both hanging on a metal pole for support.

Natsu's hand wrapped up around the hand strap for balance. His side, open and warm, looked so appealing. Lucy took the welcoming chance and slipped into his side, wrapping her arm around his torso rather than the pole. So much warmer.

The bus ride was silent albeit the white noise around them; other people's conversations, the whirring of the engine, the steady sound of Natsu's heartbeat as her head laid in the crook of his body. It was all over too soon; by the time Natsu pointed out their stop, Lucy had wished the little moments with him could last longer.

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