chapter » twenty two

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Natsu must have really hates peas.

He sat there across from Lucy with every crumb of his dinner roll and every flake of his chicken guzzled down into his stomach, yet he pushed a lump of peas around on his plate like a dog skeptically pawing at pebbles.

"Are you and Natsu the same age then?" Lucy turned her head to Gajeel in attempt to make conversation. It was clear from a mile away they were not blood related, but Gajeel had a weathered look that made him look like he could be older than he really was.

Gajeel just gave one of his infamous grunts as he grabbed the bowl of potatoes and scooped it onto his plate. "No. I'm a couple years older, I just never went to school."

He did not seem too keen on talkin, so Lucy looked away from his harsh gaze and back across at Natsu. Cana, however, did not let the silence last long. "Gajeel's actually becoming a mechanic."

"Dad." Gajeel hissed like an embarrassed child.

Cana huffed and leaned back in his chair. He really was a sturdy man; the resemblance between he and his son was evident. "He's going to follow in mine and Natsu's father's footsteps and join the air force."

"Dad!" Gajeel hissed yet again. Lucy could hardly contain her smile; apparently the ability to be embarrassed by your parents never truly does fade with age.

Seeing his son's reddened face made Cana's smile stretch maliciously from ear to ear. "Gajeel always did want to be like his daddy."

The raven haired man growled and pushed his chair away from the table. "I'm done with this conversation. I'm going to the shed to work on my smelting." Gajeel grumbled something else under his breath before standing up and walking away.

Cana sighed softly. Once Gajeel was gone, he smiled wryly and looked at Lucy. "Unfortunately short tempers run in the family. Hopefully Natsu hasn't been too hot-tempered around you?" He cocked his head teasingly.

Lucy wasn't sure what to answer; upon looking at Natsu, his face was still calm, too focused on playing with his peas to actually pay attention to the conversation.

"No, he's a bit too oblivious to ever be angry." Lucy laughed softly along with Cana. "Can I help you clean up?"

Cana ran his hand along his stubbly chin for a moment before standing up and gathering some plates into his arms. "Not many of the girls these two bring back are as thoughtful as you."

Something about that made Lucy beam with pride. She grabbed the plate from Natsu, causing him to stop playing with peas and look at her like a dejected puppy - which she ignored. "Really?"

Cana nodded, balancing the stack of plates on his forearm. "Gajeel always brings back the trouble makers. Though lately not so much. I'm not sure whether that should worry or appease me."

Lucy grabbed a pile of silverware into her hand. Trying to avoid the nasty bits of food on the prongs, she smiled as comfortable as she could. "Maybe he's grown up and found someone else."

Both Natsu and Cana snorted at that. "If he found a girl he better bring her home soon." Cana muttered with a small smile.

Natsu laughed even harder. "No girl actually likes Gajeel. That'd be weird." He stood up and grabbed a drinking glass to make it look like he was helping.

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