chapter » twelve

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Emily's hair was kind of the color of mud. Lucy wasn't exactly sure how that happened since her parents had the brightest hair on the spectrum, though it was clear that some red and blue had shown through, making it look like someone had thrown lavender pigment at the night sky. She certainly had her father's eyes--and his mischief.

"Emily, set the table, please." Erza told her daughter. The redhead moved back to the kitchen to grab a few dishes of food almost ready to be served.

With a small hum, Emily moved away from her mother and grabbed the plates in her arms. She was so small still--maybe three or four--the round dishes in her arms looked like alien saucers.

Emily maneuvered around the table, surprisingly coordinated for a toddler, Lucy thought. However her foot caught on the leg of the table, and Emily let out a small squeak as she toppled forward.

Bracing herself for the shattering of some dishes and a very angry Erza, Lucy felt herself tense up in preparation. However, before Emily could fall over, Natsu crouched down and caught the little girl in his arms. The plates spilled over from her hands and into his.

Smiling softly, the pink hair boy said in a hush, "I think mom meant just hand out silverware maybe?" He suggested, and both he and Emily nodded their heads in agreement.

Now setting the table, Natsu dished out plates as the dark haired girl weaved between his legs--he wasn't exactly phased that she was running around his feet holding pointy forks. Lucy couldn't help but smile.

"Sometimes I think he's better with her than I am." Jellal grinned softly as he stood beside Lucy.

His sudden appearance made her look him over, only to feebly smile as well. Her arms across her chest, Lucy played with the cuffs of her sweater sleeves anxiously. "Yeah. He always seems to make people smile."

As if speaking too soon, Natsu accidentally knocked over a glass of water as he set down the last plate. Erza spun around like she was waiting for it, and immediately scolded him. Jellal and Lucy snickered under their breaths. "Most people, at least."

"Only Erza." Jellal confirmed. He walked away from Lucy, going back to his daughter and taking a seat at the table. For a moment, she thought she saw a faint flashing light, and her eyes were drawn to his ankle. A thick black device was attached to his leg.

Jellal was on house arrest? Maybe that would explain the two different apartments. But even with a child, it confused her. Lucy was able to pry her eyes away before they lingered short enough to be just shy of staring. Finally willing herself to move, Lucy took a seat at the table as well.

Natsu and Jellal each sat at a head of the table. Erza and her daughter on either side of Jellal, Lucy and Gray beside Natsu. Occasionally, Lucy would look down at her left and see Emily staring up at her, green eyes filled with childlike curiosity.

"I didn't know Natsu would be bringing company, or else I would have made more food." Erza attempted at conversation. Emily tried to grab a bowl of potatoes, but Jellal was able to take it from her before she spilled it everywhere.

Lucy just forced a smile and shook her head. "I didn't really mean to invite myself."

Erza huffed in agreement, narrowed eyes locked and glaring at Natsu. "Yeah, I know. Some people just have a habit of letting themselves in."

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