chapter » twenty six

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Lucy knew she was in deep when she actually debated leaving over Christmas break. She was an awful liar and always had been. It made her feel worse knowing she chickened out of a party, of all things.

She lay with her legs stretched out on the sofa, her fingers flying over the keyboard of her laptop. Lucy desperately wanted to search up astronomy programs. Maybe search up how to not be an idiot, look for ways to get out of lies while she's at it.

It was Erza's look that made her the most uncomfortable. It was like that redhead knew everything just by making eye contact. She truly was a fantastic woman.

The knock at Lucy's door made her quickly sit up and shut her laptop. "Door's open!" She shouted; she had left it unlocked for Natsu.

Low and behold, Natsu kicked off his shoes in her doorway and let them land haphazardly. He chained the door back up before hopping over the back of the couch and landing at Lucy's feet. "What's up?"

Nudging the laptop onto the coffee table, Lucy placed her legs on top of Natsu's lap. "I was writing. How was your day?"

Things seemed so much simpler now that she had gotten to know Natsu. The small talk, the deep talk, even the impromptu sex lessons had grown to ease her. There were times even that she felt like a normal woman with normal - urges.

"Boring. Erza had to keep tugging me awake in the lecture again. I think I managed though." Natsu shrugged his shoulders softly.

The blonde just smiled. "And what was the lecture about then?"

"Not clue." Natsu spoke almost too quickly, then attempted to change the subject. "What were you writing about?"

Lucy moved her shoulder meekly, lip chewed between teeth. "I don't know yet. Right now they're just words."

"Just words?" Natsu turned his body towards her, hands rubbing along her calves. "You're smarter than just words."

Managing a small smile, Lucy's cheeks became pink as she bowed her head to look down at her lap. "My empty brain seems to say otherwise."

Natsu leaned forward again, his body moving down until his head rested on her thighs, face nuzzled against soft bare skin. "Maybe you just need motivation. Like a big cup of black coffee or some other more intense drug than caffeine."

The blonde smacked the back of his head lightly. "I'm not doing drugs, you idiot." She managed a laugh.

Pressing his face against her thigh, Natsu's arm wrapped around to feel the counters of her hip. "Then don't do drugs. Do me."

Lucy took a moment before whistling lowly. "Wow. That was the smoothest you have ever been to me."

Natsu lifted his head up just enough to give her a proud smile. "My flirts are getting really good. Gray taught me how to be suave."

Had she been drinking something, Lucy might have just choked on it a little. "Yeah, because Gray is really smooth with the ladies." She snorted, shaking her head.

Natsu's mouth opened enough to gently bite her flesh, leaving little pink tooth marks on her inner thigh. She tried not to mind it. "Have you seen Gray in public?" He asked, breath hot on her skin. "Girls practically drool over him."

Lucy just rolled her eyes. She knew that Natsu hadn't put things together yet, but it was a trench in his childhood friendship with Gray. "That's not what I mean, like - "

Her voice trailed off when she felt Natsu bury his face deeper between her legs. It was hard, nearly impossible, to get to her core when she sat like that on the couch, but Natsu was never one to give up. His hand pawed at her leg like a puppy.

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