chapter » seven

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"I need you."

The words seemed to hang in the air. Lucy wasn't sure what to say. Her lips didn't part, her mouth didn't dare to open up and speak any words.

"I know you're going to hate me." Natsu said quietly, his voice heavy and husky.

He deserved an applause for dealing with her attitude. Lucy's hands fumbled nervously at her sides, her eyes darting everywhere to avoid looking into his. "That's not true." She replied in a hushed voice.

Natsu didn't do anything, mainly because they both knew it was a lie. She was a time bomb counting down to the seconds in which she lashed out at him again. If there was anyone to hate, it would be herself.

Pressing his forehead to hers, Natsu's hands wrapped around her waist. Her body went rigid as stone, as if tensing up would make the uncomfortable sensation go away. She just sucked in a deep breath, inhaling some of his scent.

Her breath caught slightly, her chest shaking minutely as she stared at Natsu's chest. His stiff shoulders were moving steadily. How could he be so calm? Natsu's head tilted slowly, his nose brushing against hers.

Just the simple gesture made Lucy squeeze her eyes shut. As Natsu breathed out his exhales, the rush of air made her lick her lips. His hands dodged under the hem of her jacket, fingertips ghosting over her skin.

After everything she had done to him, he was waiting for her. His hands greedily clung to her body, his face just shy of making her his, yet he held himself back as she kept her eyes shut. If there was darkness around her, perhaps she would truly be alone when she opened her eyes.

The brown color flooded out as they peeked open. He was still standing before her, unwavering in his stance. Lucy wished he would go away, to finally be alone like she always wanted. What I want isn't what I need.

Those words sang in her head, and the claustrophobic feeling around her tightened. Her breath was shallow, her body rigid and trembling, but she picked her head up and let that awful feeling take over.

Lucy pressed her lips against Natsu's, ignoring the sudden inhale of breath she had cut him off from. The lack of air was uncomfortable, as was simply being so close. She didn't want to, but she needed to feel that constriction inside her.

As soon as her mouth latched onto his, Natsu's arms shot out and wrapped around her like snake coiling prey. His arms were unbelievably strong--or she was unbelievably weak--as he held her body up against his.

Without his embrace enveloping her, Lucy's knees would given out under her as his tongue licked at her lips. The warm saliva traced her mouth, soft skin melting against her own. The warmth seeped into her mouth until she felt her palms clam with sweat.

"Natsu-" Lucy began, but her voice broke out as Natsu pressed his open mouth against hers. His eyes were closed, and he seemed as if he were squeezing them shut just as tight as she had been.

"Do you hate me?" Natsu asked bluntly, his jaw locked together defiantly as he pulled away from her. His arms were latched around her body, palms pressed flat against her back.

Shaking her head, Lucy couldn't help but suck in a few ragged breaths as her mouth was left open in awe. She could no longer tell if she was standing or falling or if he was carrying her. Her mind was hazy, her body aching too much to tell what was up and what was down.

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