chapter » five

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Spending time with other people as if she had friends was a new experience to Lucy. It was normal for people to do this, she knew, but sitting there in the café and talking to people she barely knew was an odd feeling.

Never in her life had she had that. It wasn't really hers, though; this was just a temporary thing, until the tree of them realized Lucy was nothing special and they could resume there lives without her.

"Alright, Gray and I are out." Erza sighed, standing up from her seat. Lucy realized she had a habit of speaking for other people. "I need to make sure Princess doesn't sick or expelled."

Gray rolled his eyes. He stared at the drink in his hand, the signature from the smitten barista clearly more interesting than Erza's idea. "Oh boy, shopping with mom."

The redhead glared down at him as she scooted her chair in with her foot. "Would you rather keep wearing my clothes?" She tested angrily.

Looking up at her, Gray rolled his eyes even harder just for effect before he finally succumbed and stood up. "Fine. But I get to pick out my own clothes." He grumbled. Gray buried his head in his arm as he let out a few coughs.

"If that were true, you'd buy nothing but underwear." Erza scolded under her breath. She looked him up and down as he coughed. "We're buying medicine, too."

Turning to Lucy, the redhead extended her free hand in front of Lucy. "Nice to meet you. Maybe we can see each other again soon. We do live close, so don't be a stranger, alright?" Erza smiled warmly.

Don't be a stranger. That was an odd thing to say, and Lucy wasn't sure how to respond. She just returned a feeble smile and cupped her drink tightly between both hands, denying Erza's hand shake. "Nice to meet you, too."

Lucy wasn't sure what hurt more; how long Erza kept her hand out and waited for a shake, or the look on her face as she drew it away. "I'll see you around then. Later, Natsu." Erza said, her voice only a notch quieter as she turned away.

Gray and Erza turned their backs to Lucy, and the blonde watched them all the way until they were out of the building. Their figures passed out of the shop until they could no longer be seen through the windows.

The silence between Lucy and Natsu made her drink go cold. It's like they were old friends who had known each other for so long that they had nothing new to say. Or they were perfect strangers. Lucy wondered which one they look like to the people around them.

A part of her enjoyed the silence. She wanted to bathe in it, to enjoy nothing but the smell of her tea and maybe the gentle rubbing of Natsu's leg up against hers under the table. It wouldn't happen, not after her obvious rejection to him.

Both of them sat there, twiddling with the paper cup in their hands. Lucy's eyes darted up to steal a glance at Natsu, but he was already looking at her. They both looked away, red faced and stiff bodied.

"I should get going-"

"It was nice coming here but-"

They both spoke at the same time, their pitiful excuses for goodbyes clashing with one another. Natsu and Lucy's eyes met again as they gave each other awkward smiles.

"We can walk home together then." Natsu offered, though it was more of a demand. Lucy had no choice but to stand up as he did, scooting in her chair and grabbing her purse off the back of it. She gently threw it over her shoulder before walking towards the door.

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