chapter » twenty five

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Lucy would never understand how Natsu always kept so warm, even in winter. Even as the first snowfall of the season quickly turned to a heavy flurry of thick flakes, Natsu was glowing like embers in an old campfire.

They still laid on the shop rooftop, and they could have stayed there for hours longer, especially is the weather hadn't been so cruel. Natsu didn't seem to mind and Lucy made do with laying on top of Natsu and piling the blankets on top of her.

"I'm not making you too hot, am I?" Lucy looked down at Natsu with an inquisitive gaze. If needed, she'd shed a couple blankets. Better to be cold and with Natsu than warm and sitting just near him.

He shook his head from side to side very slowly. "But I'm always hot for you, though."

Lucy made a posh gagging noise from the back of her throat just to make it apparent that his jokes truly were awful. He just wiggled beneath her, his arms tangling with hers in a generous 'I could hit you harder but I'm letting you win' type of play. "How cheesy."

Natsu scoffed. "I happen to love cheese."

Lucy didn't bother saying anything else; when Natsu spoke too much it was her job to balance the scales. It was her duty to lay on his chest, arms crossed over the slate of his pectorals and her chin rested on her wrists to look at him. A smile quirked up at the corner of her mouth at the notice of a little double chin from such an angle.

Feelings their legs writhe together beneath the sleeping bags and makeshift bedding brought to Lucy's attention that throughout their sexual encounters, they had never done it properly. It was a favor for him or a favor for her, but true consummation had yet to happen.

She picked her head up a little and traced her hand along the shirt on Natsu's torso, feeling the fabric beneath her frozen fingers. Even with what Lucy had gone through in the past, she always considered herself a virgin.

Just one man who enjoyed her body did not take her virginity. No, not in Lucy's mind. She had convinced herself that no man could take her virginity against her will. That man was just a man who had hurt her and nothing more. Nothing of hers belonged to him - certainly not her innocence.

Lucy had plenty of purity still within her. She was a virgin of dates until Natsu came along and took her out. She was a virgin of romance until Natsu pressed his lips on hers. She was a virgin of sensuality until Natsu laid with her and held her and nothing more. Natsu had already taken more of Lucy than any man ever could.

"Why are you smiling?" Natsu picked his head up a little bit, ears red and not from the cold. "Can you see up my nose or something?"

The blonde leaned forward, an instantly calming motion that led Natsu to lay his head back down. Her head tilted towards his own, nose brushing on his, smile impossibly wide. Her finger poked his jaw, her voice a whisper. "I can see your double chin."

Natsu took a moment to take it in. Silence before: "Impressive, right? If you get Erza to feed me again then I can show you at least two more."

Lucy nodded her head firmly. "A quadruple chin would certainly be off the charts."

With that, Natsu wiggled a bit to sit up, Lucy pushing up to lean back on her knees as well. She stretched a bit, feeling revived and refreshed from a two hour nap even though she never slept. Natsu grabbed the blanket nearest to him and rolled it up. "Let's go then, I'm getting hungry."

Lessons in Love » NaLu A.U.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें