Chapter Twenty One

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IT was strange that he hated himself after trying to avoid Kace. He thought it would be best to stay away from her because she might just end up being hurt again. And he didn't want that to happen. But there was a force that's inviting him to stay and protect her from anything and anyone. It was taking over him to the point where he wanted to always see her and stay beside her.

That's why he's cursing himself why he had to be such a fool. He wasn't supposed to care about her. But strangely enough, he damn cares too much no matter how much he tells himself not to!

Almost half an hour had passed since he got near the field and he regretted that he even went there at that time. His hand was unconsciously clenched into a fist, as he watched Kace and Chandler in the middle of the field.

He didn't know why he's still there despite the voices inside his head ordering him to leave. He guessed he really likes hurting himself to this extent. Yeah, that's what he was feeling at that moment. HURT.

He didn't know why he's suddenly feeling that way. He just knew that he wanted to be the one teaching her soccer there. He wanted to be the first one whom she'd think of whenever she has problems.

But not a single thing was in his favor. It was always Chandler who was there to catch her. He was jealous at the fact that Kace can just comfortably yell at him and throw sarcastic comments at him. He wanted to be that kind of guy as well for her.

He was determined to talk to her already so when he saw Chandler walking away from her, he quickly took this chance to make a move. Without much hesitation, he dragged his feet towards Kace who was still left standing near the field.

As soon as he reached her, he noticed how her face was still in a stunned expression. "Luke?" He heard her mutter.

"I... uh..." he started to speak, his eyes fixed on hers. "I just wanna say... I was thinking about what you said... about talking to Sophie," he paused, trying to study her face.

She suddenly felt weird inside when he started to mention her name. "What is it?"

"Uh... it's nothing." He let out a sigh. He saw the confusion in her eyes, but nothing else came out of his mouth.

The silence enveloping the two for the past two minutes was broken when suddenly, someone spoke behind them. "Kace, let's head home." It was Chandler.

The tall guy has been trying to control his annoyance as soon as he saw Luke talking to her at that moment. If Kace wasn't there, he could've strangled him already. He just couldn't forgive him after what happened to her.

"A-actually, we still need to do our project." Luke answered him, his eyes boring into Chandler's.

Kace felt the awkwardness surrounding them so she decided to speak. "Uh... y-yeah. I'll just go home after we do our project, Park. We'll go ahead." She turned her back at him.

But before they could even leave, Chandler was able to keep up, grabbing Kace in the arm. "Wait... don't go."

She instantly froze on her spot. "H-Hey... w-what are you doing?" she stuttered at her words.

"Stopping you from going with him," he answered, not minding the fact that Luke was there.

"Chandler, let me go. I'll get home safe, alright?" She assured him, but the guy still didn't let go.

Luke couldn't stand seeing this anymore so he decided to grab Kace on her other hand. "Let her go." His voice was low yet directive.

This caused Chandler to drop his grip, though he has no intention of letting her go. "If something happens to her, I'm not gonna blame anyone but you. Got it?" He warned him.

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