Chapter Seventeen

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KACE was stunned when she heard Luke mumble Sophie's name. Did they know each other? She shouldn't even care whether they knew each other or not but she didn't know why it keeps on bothering her mind.

She was busy answering their worksheet in Chemistry when suddenly, their teacher spoke. "Ms. Li, you will no longer be Mr. Hansen's lab partner from now on. Ms. Sophie Young will be his partner."

She stopped for a second trying to absorb what she just heard. Does it mean I'll have to work alone for the project? Why did they have to do this? She sighed, knowing that she couldn't do anything about it. "Alright sir," she mumbled without looking at their teacher.

She stood up from her seat and was about to move to another vacant table to give space for Sophie but then, someone stopped her in the arm. She turned to her side and saw that it was Luke.

"Sir, we've already started working for our project so i don't think the switching of lab partners is possible," Luke suddenly said to their teacher.

"What did you say, Mr. Hansen?"

"We're already halfway done on our project sir," he answered again.

I looked at him in confusion. We haven't even started yet but he's saying that to our teacher. Why was he lying right now? She didn't understand. She glanced at Sophie who didn't seem please with what was happening.

Their teacher stared at him for a while before deciding to speak again. "If that's the case... then, I'll just let her join the both of you in your group. Is that alright, Sophie?"

She glanced at Kace and Luke before turning to their teacher to give a response. "Yes sir."

"Alright. It's settled then."


AFTER the class, Kace went to the library again for her supervisory work. She still couldn't take the fact that she's doing all this despite her innocence. But she thought this was better than being suspended.

She was busy fixing the chairs when suddenly, someone startled her from behind. "Hey! What's y-" she paused when she realized it was just Nix.

"Sorry," she said, laughing at her face.

"Why are you here Nix?"

"Oh nothing. I just came to check on you. Being a nice friend that i am," she said, as she sat on the vacant seat.

"I know it's not just that Nix. Come on. What do you want?"

She smirked. "You really know me," she said, standing up again and moving closer to her. "Anyway, don't you think Luke's being too nice to you earlier in Chemistry? He was like, "Sir, I don't think switching of lab partners is possible." She mimicked him.

Kace just stared at her with an unamused face. "Nix, is that what you came here for?"

"What? I just think he's so sweet. Haven't you ever thought that maybe he already likes you?" she teased.

"No," she said, as she continued to fix the chairs.

Nix followed her on her side. "Oh come on. Don't tell me he doesn't have a chance if ever he asks you out? I mean, look at him. He's just the perfect guy to date."

"If you like him that much, then why don't you just ask him out?"

She crossed her arms. "Psh. If I was that desperate I would. But unfortunately, I'm not like that. Besides, I already have someone."

Kace stopped and turned to her. "And who is that someone?"

"It's a secret. You'll find out when we will be officially going out together," Nix said, winking at her.

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