Chapter Eighteen

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WHEN Luke woke up, he felt his head still throbbing in pain. He could vaguely remember what happened last night. But there was one thing he was sure of... Kace was there to help him. That's when it struck him... What happened to her?

He quickly tried to get up from bed, but when he moved, he realized that his hand was connected to something. Just then, he heard someone speak, "Luke, stay still. You're at the hospital now."

He looked infront of him and saw his brother standing up. "Where's Kace?" he immediately asked.

"She's doing fine now. She didn't have any major injuries so don't worry. Just rest first," Lance answered him.

"I can't just rest. I need to see her," he said, getting up and reaching the IV bottle.

"Luke, I already told you not to get up." Lance warned him.

But he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to see if she was really alright. He continued to get up and when he started to walk, his foot slipped. Luckily, Lance was there to catch him just in time.

"You just won't really listen to me." Lance sighed and assisted him to walk anyway. "She's next to your room."

When they reached the door, they stepped in quietly and saw Chandler and Kris inside who were both looking devastated. Luke was confused to see the two inside her room but that didn't matter to him now. He quickly moved towards Kace who was still unconscious in bed. "Kace, I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Suddenly, Kris stood up from his seat. "You! You did this to her!" He grabbed Luke's arm with force.

Chandler quickly moved towards them and stopped Kris from raging. "Don't blame him now Kris. It's no use."

Kris dropped him and calmed himself down. "What if Alex and Theo didn't find you? You could've been killed... including Kace. Aish!" He knocked himself on the wall.

Alex and Theo? Luke tried to remember what happened last night. He suddenly realized that he saw the two in the club where he first encountered the guy who beat him up. "I... really didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't know she'd be coming," he answered weakly.

"Still, that was a reckless move Luke. Starting a fight in a club with some stranger? It was good that Alex and Theo saw you there and decided to find you after that incident. Who would've thought that the guy will follow you on your way home?" Chandler said, trying to control his anger.

Luke gazed down the floor. He didn't know what else to say. They were right. It was his fault. Kace was hurt because of his stupidity... his selfish ego to forget about Sophie. He didn't know how to face Kace after this. He didn't want to explain anything because he was the one at fault. Maybe it would be best to just stay away from her...

"OH MY GOD! Kace, are you alright now?" Nix said, crushing her bestfriend with her embrace.

"I... I'm fine now, Nix," she struggled to speak due to her tight hug.

"Hey! Nix, you're going to break her bones if you keep doing that," Brandon scolded her.

The other guys chuckled. "How are you feeling, Chief? Are you really alright now?" Chester asked her this time.

She nodded. "Thank you for visiting here," she said.

"We brought fruits for you," Kenneth said, placing the basket on the table.

"Thanks," she muttered.

"What really happened?" Nix asked her. "And how come Kris and Chandler knew you're here before us?"

"Yeah. We wouldn't really know if they didn't tell us," Max added.

"I... don't know," she answered. And that was the truth. She didn't even know who brought her at the hospital. Maybe it was her brother who saved them last night. But the voice she heard was different. She would've recognized it if it was Kris or Chandler.

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