Chapter Twelve

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LUKE couldn't help but think about Sophie ever since he saw her on the streets. He went there in Seoul to forget about her... everything about her. He has finally started living normally without her and then, she suddenly showed up. Why now? Why here?

He closed his eyes as he sat on the couch in their lounge. He hoped it was just an illusion... that it was just someone who happened to look like her. But then, he was so sure that it was really her. He took a deep breath to clear off his mind for a sec. Just then, he heard the front door open. "Oh Luke! You're home early?" Lance asked him, as he slumped on the couch next to him.

He didn't answer. Actually, he didn't go to school that day. He didn't want to go out fearing he might see her again. He was not ready if ever he'd come face to face with her.

Just then, Lance's phone rang. He brought it out from his pocket and was surprised to see the caller ID. "Hello, Kace?" He answered.

Luke got startled when he heard the person calling his brother. Why was she calling him? Is it for the pub? He shook his head.

Meanwhile, Lance was listening intently as Kace expressed her worry towards Luke who didn't attend their class. He looked at his brother who was still in deep thought on the couch. "Thank you for telling me Kace."

"I just wanted to know if he's alright. He missed two exams today," Kace said. "I'd be willing to lend him my notes but... if he's feeling sick then, I don't think he can rewrite all those."

Lance smiled. "You're really thoughtful Kace. And you don't have to worry, I don't think he's sick at all. And thank you again for telling me."

Luke was now staring back at his brother as he hanged up his phone. Lance crossed his arms on his chest as he started to speak. "What is going on, Luke? Why didn't you go to school?"

"It's nothing." He stood up from his seat.

"They're all worried about you..."

"I don't care." He was about to walk upstairs but then, Lance continued to speak.

"Maybe you don't care. But they all do... especially Kace. She even called just to tell me that you missed your exams and she offered to lend her notes to you."

Luke sighed. "Please tell them not to worry about me... because I don't worry about them." He continued to walk upstairs and headed towards his room.


KACE rested her head on the passenger seat as she filled her mind with thoughts as to why Luke didn't appear in class that day. Lance told her that he wasn't sick but she still couldn't rest her mind unless she sees him and tells her that he's really alright.

Kris couldn't help but notice his sister's uneasy look on her face. When the stoplight turned red, he quickly interrogated her. "What are you thinking again, Kassandra?"

She got startled when she heard her brother. "Oh uh... I was just thinking about our exams earlier."

"Why? You didn't do well? Just work harder next time. I'm sure you'll ace it." Kris winked at her, making her fake a puke.

"Seriously?" She laughed. "Anyway, I don't know why I still have to go with you at your bestfriend's house. I mean... you can just go on your own."

"Well, how about the fact that Chantelle said she wanted to see you?"

"She said that?" Kace asked. "Or are you just saying that to convince me?"

"Kassandra, Mrs. Park wanted you to come so don't whine there, alright?"

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