Chapter Four

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KACE was running her way towards the main entrance when suddenly, the guard stopped her. She looked up to him with a confused look. "Your identification card miss?" he asked her.

"Oh, right!" She dug inside her bag and searched for her ID. Why did I forget to wear it today? I'll be late again in class for sure. She managed to wake up early and avoid his brother's attempt to make breakfast again and yet, this came up.

"Miss, where is it?" the guard demanded her.

Kace knew that her ID was supposed to be inside her bag but then, she couldn't find it this time. Argh! She was starting to get anxious, not because of the guard but because of the time. 

Come on just show yourself to me now. She mumbled to herself.

"If you don't have it, then you can't enter miss. You know the rules." The guard reminded her which made her more annoyed again.

"Uhm... it's just here somewhere... please just let me in. I'll be late for class now, sir." She tried to beg but he ignored her instead. He attended to the other students who were entering. She sighed to herself. What luck!

After minutes of hopelessly searching for her ID, she heard the guard calling her. "Miss, you may now enter!"

She looked at him confused as ever. "Sir, what did you say?"

"Here's your ID. Apparently, you dropped it and a student found it."

"R-really? Uh... where is the student, sir?" She asked him after handing back her ID. He pointed at someone's back who was now walking inside. She bowed before him and ran towards the student. "Hey! Wait!" She called out hoping to get his attention.

But, the guy continued to walk forward. She doubled up her speed to reach him. Then, she managed to pull his backpack. He stopped walking when he realized this.

She was panting hard and gasping for air when he turned around to face her. "What did you want?" The guy asked.

When she looked up, she saw who the person was. It was the new student, Luke. "Oh... uh... it was you."

"Me?" he asked back.

"T-thank you for giving back my ID." She said to him.

He didn't respond. He turned his back and continued to march his way to their building. What a jerk! She thought. But, at least he returned her ID. She ran her way to their building walking past him. She was relieved to see that their teacher was still not in. But her face was now all covered in sweat as she took the seat.

"What happened to you?" Nix hissed beside her. "Did you just attend a marathon?"

"I... just.... ran my way here." She answered her with a sigh.

Nix nodded. "I knew it. Well at least you're not late."

Suddenly, Luke came inside the room. He glanced at her but she avoided his gaze. "What's up with that?" Nix asked.

"What?" Kace asked.

"Why is the new student looking at you, again?" Nix asked, emphasizing the last word.

"Maybe he was looking at you."

"Oh please. Stop with the act, K."

Kace smirked. "Why? You want me to get close to him so I can set you up with him, huh?" She teased.

"Hey! It's not that. I already have someone in my heart." She placed her hand over her chest dramatically.

"Nix, you're making me throw up. Please stop that." She told her. Suddenly, they heard a voice from behind them.

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