The two mystical people

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Neals POV

I just sat there in the lair for my self while the others was thinking about a plan to save Henry. Of course I wanted to rescue my son too, but I didn't have so many ideas. Emma had always been the smart one in our relationship. I loved the sound of her voice, I loved everything about her. I had enough of all the talking, I needed to think some things through without all the other ones. "I'm just going to look after Rumple." I said and walked away. They looked understanding at me and 'accepted' me no leave. It was of course a lie, my papa... exuse me, my dad was only here because he was going to kill my son and I couldn't let that happen, one of the things I had to think through. I walked a little faster with my hands in my pant-pockets.

I suddenly just fell. I had crashed with somebody. He looked familiar, though I had never met him. I standed up again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was walking. I'm Neal." I said and reached him my hand. He took it and pulled him self up. "It was my faulth. I'm Baelfire, most people just call me.." he said, but he couldn't finish before I said something. "Bae." I said. "How did you know?" he asked and sounded scared. "Because, I am you, Bae." I replied. I hadn't looked like that in many many years. "But we have different names and we're obviously not the same age, and I'm here and you are there. H-How is that possible?" he asked. "I moved, and changed my name. Didn't want anything with the fairytales to do, but here I am." I replied. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"WHAT?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?" a voice suddenly shouted. We turned around and got to see it was Melissa. "Melissa?!" I said. "The name is Elly now." she said and looked harsh at me. "I didn't mean to spy on you, but how is it possible?" she added. "I don’t know, but it's pretty cool, huh?" I replied and smiled to her.

Ellys POV

Neal smiled to me in that special way only Neal could, and I smiled back. Neal was my friend too now. Wow. I had 3 friends. Sara, Neal and Bae, so technically just 1. Because Sara was 'home' and I couldn't talk to her, and Bae and Neal was the same person. While I and Neal was talking, Bae didn't seem to get a shit. I was going to find Bae, and I had found him, or actually I had found them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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