Who am I? (and them)

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I wasn't worthy the name Melissa. Melissa hadn’t been through all this. Melissa was a invisible girl that lived in Manhattan. She was all alone, at least she felt like it. If Melissa was that girl, then who the hell was I?

People wouldn't remember little unloved Melissa as the one that saved Henry Mills, they would remember me as.. Elly. That was it. Elly was the heros name, and my name too. Bye bye little stupid Mel, hello selfconfident Elly. I was a new person, though I didn't have any more friends. Sara, she was the only one I had. She was the only one that loved me. Friendlove are much better than no love at all of course.

On my way to Bae I heard someone talking behind some bushes, and with my curiosity I had to see who it was. It sounded like two familiar voices. Who was they? I pushed the bush away and held low. I could now see clear who it was, but why did they talk to each other? I didn't see that coming. I just sat there and spied at them. They didn't see me. "WHAT?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?" I suddenly yelled behind the bushes. Now they saw me.. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to spy on you, but how is it possible?" I asked them. "I don’t know, but.. it's pretty cool, huh?" one of them said and I nodded.

Fantasylife *O.U.A.T in Neverland based* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now