Find Henry ~ PART 2

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“Me? I just decided to go for a walk…” I said and tried not to flip out.  “In my territory?” he said and looked serious. We still stared at each other. “Yes. Problem?” I said and smiled big. “I don’t have any problems, but you will soon. If you ever come here again.” He said and looked extremely serious. “I’m… I’m not afraid of you, Pan!” I shouted and everyone looked surprising at me. Pan walked closer, and closer. He walked so close, that I could smell his breath, which smelled pretty good actually. “But you will be.” He whispered in my ear. He walked back to his group and started to play his flute. “COME ON BOYS, LET’S FINISH WHAT WE STARTED!” he shouted. He closed his eyes, and concentrated on the flute-playing. I tried to sneak past him, and talk to Henry. I thought I couldn’t do it, but I did. No one noticed that I had walked past them. Hah! They thought I had left!

I found Henry, sitting for himself. He looked at a round mirror, and it came sounds out of it. It sounded like someone said “We’re here on this land, to save you!” “Are you real?” he asked with big eyes. “Yes, we are. We love you!” It appeared a smile on his face. Somewhere were coming! I had to warn him in a way… I stepped on a broken branch, to make it make a sound. Henry heard it and just said “I have to go.” “HENRYYY!” they said. He threw the mirror on the ground, and it shattered. It was Peter that wore coming. “Don’t you want to dance with us, Henry?” Pan asked. “I’m not in the mood for dancing right now.” He answered. Peter watched a long time at him. “When are you going to realize that your family aren’t coming for you? You are going to be a hero, and save magic. Not be rescued by your family. We are your family.” Pan said and faked a smile. “You are lying!” he said and looked him in the eyes. “And how do you know?” Pan asked, but now with a serious look in his face. “I can feel it.” He said and looked down.

Pan was really a player. He could tell a lie, and make it sound so true. I couldn’t believe it. I was never going to trust him ever again. I had to find Henrys family, his REAL family, not his fake one. I suddenly became very tired and decided to go to Tinks house. I started to walk, but when I had walked like three steps I fell on the ground, and started to sleep.

Fantasylife *O.U.A.T in Neverland based* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now