Watch out!

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I found a cave and fell asleep.

It was my second day in the place that was called Neverland. It seemed like a very nice place with nice people, except that mermaid from yesterday. I was still looking for this "Pan" guy. I didn't know if I should trust the mermaid or not. It had walked in a lot of mud, and my red dress was dirty. I hoped it would start to rain soon, so the dress could be a little cleaner. Neverland was filled with rocks, cliffs and dead ends. Everywhere I went I had to turn around and go another way. I spotted a black shadow a few meters in front of me. I sneaked to it. I was nervous for what or who that shadow would be. I could feel the wind in my hair. My sweat was dripping as I walked towards the mysterious shadow.  I was so curious of who it could be! I just couldn’t wait to see its face. I was almost there. Just a few more steps and I could see who it was. I was really close. I took away the bushes that hided the shadow. It was just a shadow, not a person. I was so surprised! I was a little frustrated because I didn’t know whose shadow it was. Before I could see any more the shadow was heading off to another place. I thought I heard someone scream “I believe.” I still didn’t know why the shadow was leaving for a simple sentence like that, or I even don’t know if it was because of that it left. I couldn’t say if the shadow was a man or a woman; it was just black, black and black, and that was all I could tell! 

Fantasylife *O.U.A.T in Neverland based* (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now